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Guest RJ1074

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Guest RJ1074

how many times have oyu gotton this number?...


In a nutshell, the Rejection Hotline is a number you can give out to somebody who asks for your phone number if you just don't want to give out your real number. When they call the number, they hear our humorous Rejection Hotline recording and they are not-so-subtly informed of your non-interest.


The dating scene is full of people who can't take a hint or can't take "no" for an answer (and many who apparently can't take showers, can't brush their teeth, or can't seem to go out in social settings without awkwardly embarrassing themselves by an inability to read situations). The Rejection Hotline exists as a public service to both the rejector and to the rejectee.


The rejector has an easy way to get rid of unwanted suitors, to express a lack of interest in a non-confrontational manner, and to gracefully escape an uncomfortable situation.


The rejectee, on the other hand, is able to hear the bad news in the privacy of their own home without being subjected to public embarrassment and/or ridicule from anyone who otherwise might have witnessed a more public rejection. Further, there are no unanswered "what if's," no desperate assumptions of "I must have just mis-dialed," and no ambiguity - all of which are common by-products of the randomly selected fake numbers which were more common before the advent of the Rejection Hotline.


http://www.rejectionhotline.com/ they have a bunch of different numbers for different areas of the country. and if its old news, i dont care

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