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wanna be adult film stars...

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Originally posted by Tony_K:



have fun.

What exactly was I supposed to find? Some conclusory statement that reads, "Four out of five psychologists agree that pornography is bad," or something to that effect?


Seriously, I'm not sure that APA has issued forth a statement on their stance regarding pornography. Even if they did, who's to say they're right? As an organization, they are a political body, with a politial agenda and political influences. Thus, what they say (be either pro-pornography, anti-pornography, or somewhere in between) may be politically based, and not necessarily research driven. Also, we all know (or we all should know) that you can make "research" say whatever you want it to say. So, simply because Dr. Puritanism completes a study and makes some conclusions about pornography being "bad" doesn't make it psychological law.

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Originally posted by Desperado:

Hmmm, first to the slightly misinformed member that stated that the porn industry is the worste thing ever, you are mistaken. The worste thing to be involved with is being a liberal democrat, that IS the worste thing ever! :D


As far as wanting to be a porn star, I would, but you all would recognize me, the guys would be jealous, the women would all want me. And It would just cause problems with you guys being pissed cuz your wives/GF's would want to bed me. So I will have to pass this time around.




As far as the drugs and the like. Doing drugs is a choice. No one is standing there putting a gun to your head making you get high. You deside to do that, and you deside to pay the piper when you do. There is going to be a level of drug use in all prefessions from prostitutes to preachers.

The fact that the porn industry gets talked about is that mainstream America doen't want to admit to using their product and the people that make documentaries about the industry dont' like the industry. So they are going to bring up everything bad about it and give you the impression that it's a free for all where the cocaine is handed out in garbage bags, and everyone has sex with everyone else all the time.


Do I agree with it, yes, to a point. It is their choice to do it, and it's not anyone's place to say they can't. But I don't feel that they should be showing Debbie Dose Dallas on the Saturday afternoon movie on CBS either.

Preach it, Liberal democrates do suck!
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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by Venomss:

What exactly was I supposed to find? Some conclusory statement that reads, "Four out of five psychologists agree that pornography is bad," or something to that effect?


Seriously, I'm not sure that APA has issued forth a statement on their stance regarding pornography. Even if they did, who's to say they're right? As an organization, they are a political body, with a politial agenda and political influences. Thus, what they say (be either pro-pornography, anti-pornography, or somewhere in between) may be politically based, and not necessarily research driven. Also, we all know (or we all should know) that you can make "research" say whatever you want it to say. So, simply because Dr. Puritanism completes a study and makes some conclusions about pornography being "bad" doesn't make it psychological law.

You have just thoroughly demonstrated that you haven't the faintest clue what the APA is. As per my previous post, I posted the link for the sake of knowing what the APA is. Their website is *not* a search engine. As I posted before, you will find search engines for research articles and literature reviews in an academic library. I have never called someone's post on CR ignorant before, but what you just wrote is one of the most decisively ignorant things I have ever seen.


Here are some ignorant assumptions you made after being given the information necessary to not make them:


1) that the APA site is a search engine

2) that the APA commonly issues statements like you describe and "takes stances"

3) that the APA does not involve itself with reliable information

4) that the APA is by nature/design a political group

5) that the APA handles research like marketing people do


Go back to their site and read the "about APA" page.


The methods of research considered acceptable by the APA are few, highly refined, and the most objective you will find. The APA sets the standard by which research is deemed objective, relevant, credible, and reliable. One of the main purposes of the existence of the APA and of equivalent organizations in other fields is to be pretty much the opposite of what you wrote above. To refute the APA is to refute every psychology course taught at every college and university in the United States as well as the standards and work of professionals throughout the country.


Do you really think porn is good for you? Do you really honestly think that use of pornography isn't associated with addiction, obsessive behavior, mistreatment of women, lack of discipline, relationship problems, and a host of social and relational problems? This is COMMON KNOWLEDGE. graemlins/slap.gif The research that demonstrates such associations has been with us and widely accepted for years.


...or are you just too proud to admit that something you enjoy is not really a good thing?

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Well, I dont see how porn is the "miss treatment of women." Do you think that the women that pose are forced to do it with a gun to their heads? :rolleyes:


Also, not all pornography is of women (Although I wish it were). What about the men? Were they too forced into making a lot of money each year by having sex?


I really dont care that you are agains porn because of your morals. I dont think anyone else is either. You arent going to change any of our minds, just as we arent going to change yours.


Porn is a part of our culture; that is a fact you are going to have to get used to.


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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Well, I dont see how porn is the "miss treatment of women." Do you think that the women that pose are forced to do it with a gun to their heads? :rolleyes:

"Men who regularly watch pornography are more likely to mistreat women than men who don't regularly watch pornography" is an example of an ASSOCIATION. Read a little more carefully and you will see that I made no statement of porn stars being being "forced" or "miss treated," or of porn itself being mistreatment.


You missed the point of everything I have been trying to communicate. Pornography, as a part of our culture, is a negative influence on the quality of our society. I'm not talking about the porn stars - they're just a handful of people; I'm talking about the millions who watch it, and its demonstrated effect on their psychological health, and the resulting personal and social problems.


The social and psychological problems associated with people using pornography have nothing to do with morals - they are scientifically demonstrated and scientifically defined problems.


Porn is not psychologically or socially healthy; that is a fact that you are going to have to accept, and "get used to."

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Well, because I dont care enough to look up supporting "facts" for my argument, I will end on a few statements.


1. I look at porn. I like porn. I am not negativley affected by looking at a set of boobies or a snatch. If nothing else, I am happier.


2. I am not at all an "addict" of porn. I dont look up porn, and the only time i look at it is when it is posted on this site.


3. Everyone I know looks at porn, women included. None of them, not one has ever cited porn as something that induces any sort of psycological or social problems that they might have encountered in their lives.


If you believe that porn causes problems then you also have to be against the news because every night you will see footage of death and distruction. And you will hear all about murder, rape, and drug abuse.


I would say that the news has a more negative effect on my life than any porno ever has.



*Please excuse any grammer mistakes in this post. It has been a really long day...

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Originally posted by Tony_K:

You have just thoroughly demonstrated that you haven't the faintest clue what the APA is…I have never called someone's post on CR ignorant before, but what you just wrote is one of the most decisively ignorant things I have ever seen.

I’m not sure how to respond to this portion of your post without embarrassing you royally. So I won’t.



In response to your list of my "ignorant assumptions":


1) I never implied that it was a search engine;

2) The APA “takes stances” on things all the time (e.g., prescription privileges for psychologists) that have strong political over- and undertones;

3) I never implied that the APA doesn’t involve itself with reliable information – instead, I implied that results can be manipulated for all sorts of reasons, including political;

4) The APA is indeed a political group – I’m not sure how else I can say that – it’s entrusted with, among other things, promoting the political interests of American psychologists;

5) I never implied this, although the APA does it’s fair share of marketing, just like all powerful lobbying groups do.


Originally posted by Tony_K:

Do you really think porn is good for you? Do you really honestly think that use of pornography isn't associated with addiction, obsessive behavior, mistreatment of women, lack of discipline, relationship problems, and a host of social and relational problems? This is COMMON KNOWLEDGE. graemlins/slap.gif The research that demonstrates such associations has been with us and widely accepted for years.

If it’s “COMMON KNOWLEDGE,” then why would you need to cite the authority of the APA to support your claims? After all, if we all “know” these things to be self-evident, then we shouldn’t need to consult the APA to learn something we already “know.”


Originally posted by Tony_K:

"Men who regularly watch pornography are more likely to mistreat women than men who don't regularly watch pornography" is an example of an ASSOCIATION.

So are men who watch professional sports.


Now, will we be seeing from you a dissertation denouncing professional sports in America, given the “obvious” detriments that they pose to our society?


Tony_K, I initially responded to your post because I thought it might be a good exercise in exchanging healthy dialogue. In doing so, I worded what I said with care, as I’ve done here – attempting to maintain the spirit of civil debate. So, when you craft your response, recognize that referring to my posts or assumptions as “ignorant” strains my ability to consider this a worthwhile conversation as well as my tolerance for not up and flaming the living hell out of you.

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