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Webhosting cheap


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So if youre on that super huge Forum whose accronym starts with an O and ends with a T... you probably saw the 20 page thread for the internets hosting.


I decided to try it.


IwishIwascool.net now equals:

• 800 MB Storage

• 40 GB Transfer ($4/GB extra)

• 3 Domains Hosted

• 15 Sub-Domains Hosted

• 60 Mailboxes

• 15 Shell Users


I guess 11ty billion people have signed up and it is good. Dreamhost has been around for a while anyway.


Including the registration of my domain,the cost was 9.24 not a month... but for the whole year.


you can get me a referal if you sign up. If you want.




(make sure you use the promo code [777])

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