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product review mountain dew "pitch black"


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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Ricochet:

tastes kinda like grape soda

What was that other new mt dew, the blue shit..? I got it at taco bell and it was horrible.

shit taste like sugar water or something.
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Originally posted by Orion:

mikes on the rampage!

isn't that the black box thing you pick up on Doom 2 that gives you the brass knuckles and makes your screen all red and you can splatter aliens and shit with one punch? Because if so, that would be cool as shit
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Guest domestic_disturbance
Originally posted by GAS,GRASS OR ASS:

Crystal pepsi was good

am i the only one that has never heard of this stuff???maybe im not old enough or something
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Guest stevil
Originally posted by 2Slw4CR:

oh by the way, do they still have that fusion shit, tastes pretty much like dr. pepper, i loved that crap

I haven't seen Red Fusion anywhere. :( It was my favorite.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Cranked:

Hey, I loved that shit smile.gif



This grape stuff tastes pretty good, but years of living near lake erie have taught me to stay the hell away from any black liquid, even if it is your water supply.

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