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Anyone familiar with Delaware Area Career Center?


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I'm asking because I was recently asked to join the Collision Repair program's Advisory Board, and I don't know anything about the school. I have served on an advisory board before, and feel honored to be asked, but was wondering about the school in general. Was anyone a student there? Know the instructors Ken Strickland or Dave Morrison?
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from my experiance, career center instructors are a bit more lenient about stuff like that. They understand that if a lot of these kids weren't there, they'd be stuck in high school failing, going no where. I fully support any vocational/career center programs. Congrats on the recommendation.
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Thanks, I appreciate that. As a Vo-Tech grad myself, I can say from first hand experience that it can be much easier to "get away with stuff" in that setting for that exact reason. Though I'm not sure I agree with allowing students to smoke in the shop (don't cigarettes fall under the school district's drug policy?), there are a lot of "special circumstance" kids that get funneled into these programs because their counselors don't feel that they have any shot at post high school education. While that may be true in some cases, what concerns me the most are the number of kids who get discouraged from attending these courses based on their academic standing at their regular schools. I fall into the latter category, and personally am glad that I fought my counselors to attend the Collision Repair program at my Vo-Tech school. I've been gainfully employed in the industry in one capacity or another since I graduated from high school, and the framework that I learned at school has allowed me to provide a home for my wife and two kids, and has made it possible for my wife to be a stay at home mom, doing the most important job in the world (raising kids to be respectful, responsible, dependable, and well behaved is probably the most demanding, worthwhile, job that anyone could do).

That being the case, I am really looking forward to serving on the advisory board, and hope that I can lend a perspective from the workforce that the instructors may not have had otherwise.


(sorry for the long post... :rolleyes: )

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at my career center, the teachers NEVER went so far as to allow us to smoke in class, or even in front of them (except for our senior trip, but there was nothing they could do at that point tongue.gif ) However, they tended to look the other way if they had an idea as to what is going on. BUT, they genuinly cared about us, and how we were doing. If someone was there just screwing around, not caring, then that student was removed from the school.
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Originally posted by copperhead:

at my career center, the teachers NEVER went so far as to allow us to smoke in class, or even in front of them (except for our senior trip, but there was nothing they could do at that point tongue.gif ) However, they tended to look the other way if they had an idea as to what is going on. BUT, they genuinly cared about us, and how we were doing. If someone was there just screwing around, not caring, then that student was removed from the school.

That I can understand. I mean, at some point, you have to give the kids the opportunity to make their own decisions without hounding them or looking over their shoulders all day long.

A lot of times that happens because the instructors have come into their position from the field, and they feel that if no laws are being broken, and the behavior isn't posing iminent danger to anyone else, should they really get in trouble for it? That's why so many people find it easier to confide in a tech school instructor too. It doesn't sound so much like preaching if the one doing the talking has been in a similar situation as you.

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well i went to JVS north for my last two years in high school, an as far as I know, JVS is the ACC, just changed names, Mark McKinney was my junior instructor, and Wane Strunk was my Senior instructor, met Mr. Strickland a few times saw him in the halls and shit, I would highly recomend the training to anyone, I know that i learned A LOT there, and it gave me an edge when i went to college for training in automotive technology.
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