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Does this product really work?


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Guest Tony_K
I didn't read it, but if it is one of those "attach a few anodes to your car and have the battery stabilize it" things, the answer is NO. They work great underwater on bridge abutments, but that is because the water carries the charge across all of the metal. On your car, you would only have rust protection in small spots around where the anode is attached.
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Originally posted by Tony K:

I didn't read it, but if it is one of those "attach a few anodes to your car and have the battery stabilize it" things, the answer is NO. They work great underwater on bridge abutments, but that is because the water carries the charge across all of the metal. On your car, you would only have rust protection in small spots around where the anode is attached.

didnt dodge trucks come standard with something like that in the mid '90s
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Guest Tony_K
To make it work on a car, you would have to have thousands of little anodes all over the car body . . . a much easier way is to just coat the bare metal with zinc, aka galvanizing.
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Guest Tony_K

No. I just don't post where I don't know or have nothing useful to add. Spare everyone some B.S. :D


I sometimes ask questions in the tech forums, too. . .

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