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Guest busteryhyman

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Guest busteryhyman

Does anyone know Ohio laws on rentals and asbestos, the web isnt giving me much help considering i'm at work and cant access a lot of the pages.


I live on campus and for the past few months have been experiencing respritory problems. Yesterday my friends dad was here and saw that the walls and pipes in my hallway are insulated with asbestos (he used to be an asbestos-remover). I dont know what legal actions i can take or what i should do...anyone have any experience on this one

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Guest busteryhyman
Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

There is a lawyer firm that deals with Asbestos claims that i cant remember the name but I doubt they can help you because its more of a deal w/ people being exposed for longer periods(years) in the work place.Couple of months of that won't kill you but call attorney and ask them.

yeah dont expect it to kill me, but i'm not too happy about living in an apartment completely insulated in the stuff. dont want medical probs in the future cuz of some ghetto campus apt
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its does nothing unless it is disturbed. im sure most if went to schools that were full of it. their is alot of things that u wouldnt think would have it in it ...like floor tile glue. i work construction so ihave seen the many possable things that could have it..and the ways it has to be removed.


but in reguards to your rental..tell them to remove it in reguards to the epa or u will no longer valadate your rental contract. more info can be found on the ohio epa web site.


but like i said as long as you dont disturb it..you will be fine.

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asbestos can only hurt you in a dust form. in your case the heat runs and steam pipes are most likely insulated with stuff scince they used it all the way into the 80's. you can do two things don't pick at it and cover it with something where its exposed also keep your apartment clean that way if someoen else fucks with it it gets cleaned up right away.. the city isn't really able to do anything becuase the building that your in only has to meet code from the time period it was built in. asbestos is really no more of a hazard to you than say fiberglass.
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Guest busteryhyman
okay, i just know the pipes in my ceilings ( i live in a basement apartment, i basically have pipes as a ceiling) were wrapped in tape to cover it and its beginning to flake off and peel away, taking the asbestos with it.
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