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Cat had kittens

Guest h8tcivics

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Guest h8tcivics

hey..I went over to my friends house to pick up my cat do to the parents wanted it outta the house. I looked on the floor by my feet and there is a black kitten.....she just had a tiger when I walked in..and I came back and she had a darker tiger. these guys are 5 days old today. they like to crawl even though they cant see yet.


but here si the thing. on the way to my parents house my mother cat started to cough and shake her head like she couldnt breath and cough and cough...went on for 5 minutes, when she started I pulled over and tried patting her stomache...and it went away slowly.


two days ago she did it twice...in a 2 hour interval.


yesterday she did it 5 times...each took a little longer. she is nursing as well...


today she hasnt done it, but she also has been on the carpet sleeping most of the time feeding the little ones. I picked her up as a stray 9 months ago..de wormed her and she grew rapidly...dont really know her age.


I have done some research on a cats couygh and it says if she still has it in 2 months...shes pretty much dead. what do you think it could be?


I took her to an animal hospital..and they did an xray, and a blood test for calcium level, and sugar level. her sugar level was very low and I have been trying to get it back up....but they didnt check for distemper or anything like that..what do you think I should do? babies are so tiny..but they have been growing....born at 7oz now they are 9oz.

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I beleive all you can do at this point is wait and see. Let her nurse the kittens. They should be off of her buy anywhere from the time they are 4-6 weeks old. It could be as simple as a cold, but it could be worst. Just hold out and keep an eye on her and those kittens.
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Guest Elinar Longsight
She could also be just coughing up the stuff she licked off the kittens as they were born. Wait and see, if she does it past nursing at 7wks, then have her checked out.
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