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Harmonix & RockBand....A cautionary tale!!


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We got the kids RockBand this past Christmas. Got it a couple weeks after it first came out. Drums went bad within 2 months. 360 won't recognize the drums when they're plugged in, and there's no power to them. Wife got online to research problem, called Harmonix.....They shipped us a box to send drums back in. We had new drum kit within couple weeks at no expense to us. At the time, I thought "WOW....Great product support!" Glad to see they're taking care of customers who bought the first ones that may have some bugs to work out

Drums are doing the same thing again now.....3-4 months later.....but this time they won't fix them. They say our choices are to pay them for repair, buy new pair, or shop around & see if we can find used pair cheaper. NICE tech support/Customer service. :mad: The fact that they are now just selling the drum kits by themselves in stores tells you they know there's a problem with that particular piece of equipment. I guess they just decided to try & make more money off their crappy product, rather than standing by it & making it right as it should've been to begin with!

When I took them in to ship that first time, the UPS guy asked me as soon as I walked through the door with my sealed box "What'cha got there......RockBand drums???" I asked him how he knew that, and he said they'd been getting a LOT of them in lately, so he knew the box well.

Same thing when we got them back a couple weeks later. I happened to be home when the FedEx guy delivered. As I was signing for them, same conversation "What'cha got......RockBand drums???" He'd been delivering quite a few of them as well, and knew the box, just like UPS.

So if the product is that defective that the shipping guys know what's in unmarked boxes........I'd say there's a definite problem that needs to be addressed. Just because we were the guinea pigs and bought one of the first systems to hit the shelves doesn't mean I feel like putting up with their buggy product & poor support!! :nono:

Anyone else having similar problems/issues???

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I just got RockBand for the Wii as a b-day present. I hope we don't have any problems like this. I'll be pissed.

Did you guys buy the extended warranty Ben? I just remembered after typing that first post, that I actually did. Thank God.....'cause I never buy those things, but since this game was so expensive, I actually did this time. Good thing, since Harmonix is obviously done standing by their product

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Satan only has to worry about the microphone dying on him...it was abused on Sat night! :lol:

Abused by his voice....Orrrrr it got stuck somewhere it shouldn't have been?!? :D Were you guys showing him the prostate exam he has to look forward to in another 10+ birthdays!?!

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Abused by his voice....Orrrrr it got stuck somewhere it shouldn't have been?!? :D Were you guys showing him the prostate exam he has to look forward to in another 10+ birthdays!?!

No, no. The colonoscopy kit is part of the new Wii Fit - Health

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