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fix my network!


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Hey PC guys, I need help. I've tried, mike has tried, now you try. The 3 of us are connected to a wireless router. Mike and Adam can see each others computers on the network, and apparently mike can see mine, but not access shared folders. Meanwhile, I can't see any computers on the network. We're all using MSHOME. Any ideas?
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Make sure the drives are set to share. Make sure all have installed file and printer sharing for microsoft networks and client for microsoft networks (they're in connections properties. Turn the windows firewall off (it's in the advanced tab of connection properties).


Make sure your ip address has correct ip's from the router. If need to then do a repair and make sure you got the ip from dhcp (if using dhcp) and it's not a windows assigned one.


Then if nothing. Turn off and restart all.

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