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So ya wanna vote for a trial lawyer?

Guest Tony_K

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I'm not an "I hate lawyers" type, but in our very own little sanctuary of Westerville, we have an instance of what George Bush is talking about when it comes to fixing health care costs by limiting lawsuit awards.


There is an orthodontist in Westerville who is being sued by a patient who had her wisdom teeth removed. She is suing his practice, and the building owners and management as well. I am not sure of the amount, but it *is* in the millions. I figure there are probably a good number of you who have had your wisdom teeth removed, so you know everything that that involves. . .. most of the time they put you under with gas, it *is* a surgery, yadda yadda yadda . . . right? Doctors know very well to inform the patients of all the safety and risk factors involved..."patient's right to know," right?


So does anyone want to guess what the woman is suing for?




























...this Doctor stands to lose his entire practice and livelihood, everything he has worked for his whole life because the woman is suing him because....









A year or two ago, doctors in major cities all over the United States took a day off to protest the skyrocketing costs of insurance - THEIR MALPRACTICE INSURANCE. To draw attention to the fact that THEY are getting hit hard...because of MULTIMILLION DOLLAR LAWSUITS. Did you know that your typical primary care physician pays over $100,000 per year in insurance premiums? Did you know that many specialists pay well over $250,000?


[ 18. October 2004, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: Tony ]

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Torte reform is NEEDED in this country. It will solve alot.

I agree. Lawsuits like that suck ass, I hope he wins. People these days have no common sense or personal responsibility.
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Had a friend that served jury duty. The case was two older women get in an accident in a mall parking lot. 7 months later, the one woman is suing the other for back problems incurred from this incident. 7 months later, from an accident that couldnt possibly be more than 15-20mph.

Suing for 1 million dollars!

I told my friend, i hope you didnt give her that, in 7 months an older lady could have tripped over her cat and gotten back problems!

he said, no, we only gave her 700k.


700,000 fucking dollars!


now i know this dosent involve the doctors, but this is just another case of the absolutely absurd lawsuits that are allowed to enter our court systems and it needs to be fixed.


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certainly you monopolizers of intellect:


a) have looked into his case record and therein

b) believe that every malpractice suit is unjust.


It makes me so very sad when partisan hacks repeat the rhetoric of his or her team, with out bothering to look into the nature of the inflamitory comment.


That is all.

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ok that’s not all...


Im a relatively young kid, I admittedly have much to learn about the real world. But I've come to recognize recently how easily people's opinions and ideas can be tainted by sourcing info from those who have something to gain. The information is taken as gospel and no effort is made to seek an alternative perspective.


So I present to you, the other perspective.


The lawyer is the easy scapegoat, however, it's not the lawyer who decides the punitive damages. It is the lawyer who seeks X dollar amount for Y,Z,P reasons... but the jury is not only responsible for rewarding the dollar amount but also for setting the published precedent to which lawyers must reference when determining damages. What happens if the lawyer doesn’t press for enough? The lawyer can be sued for malpractice. Each lawyer carries insurance for such a circumstance. Never mind the judge who determined the lawsuit to be free of frivolity, or the American Joe who has come to expect huge sums for even the most minor injury.


If you wanted to actually crunch the numbers rather than simply make bold assumptions about economic factors of complex systems... you might find that insurance rates have risen and fallen based on the economy and the investment markets in which the insurance providers have stored the earnings. Here is a source from an organization that seeks insurance reform.

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Furthermore (and I don’t even like Edwards/Kerry... or Cheney/Bush for that matter) John Edwards made a good amount of his dollars representing mothers whose newborns were stricken with cerebral palsy. His "premier" case was against the Sta-Rite company. Sta-Rite manufactured a drain for wading pools, hot tubs, etc. In 1993 it was found that the drains created suction so powerful that it could rip the intestines from a five year old girl. It was found out the hard way. 12 children had suffered similar injuries. I'd be pretty pissed if I had to grow up with no intestines.



So in short, If you are going to be a cheerleader for your party, a partisan hack as one might say, make sure there isn’t some moderate kidfuck around who actually enjoys looking up facts, figures, and motives behind inflammatory remarks.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Furthermore (and I don’t even like Edwards/Kerry... or Cheney/Bush for that matter) John Edwards made a good amount of his dollars representing mothers whose newborns were stricken with cerebral palsy.

Yes, some of his cases were legit like the Sta-Rite. But others are not. The cerebral palsy cases put the blame on the doctor's because they didn't perform a C-section, which was said to be the cause of the disorder. But there are no facts to back that up, studies show that fetal brain injury happens way before labor begins, and that it's probably genetic. And apparently, Edwards concentrated more on emotional arguements than facts and scientific evidence. Read this, lots of info


The current flu vaccine shortage is largely to blame for trial lawsuits as well. The "big evil" American drug companies that lawyers like Edwards fight against were forced to give up.


a) yes

b) no


Liability lawsuit reform is needed, and Kerry and Edwards oppose it. Just one of the reasons I'm voting for Bush.

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