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SETI Finds Space Radio Signal


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Interesting. Tons of stuff in space give off radio waves: planets, stars, suns, comets, etc. It's from really long waves of light. And they said:


It was broadcast on the main frequency at which the universe's most common element, hydrogen, absorbs and emits energy,
Hmmm yeah. So that just sounds like a star or a planet with lots of hydrogen gas in it's atmosphere. Maybe it exploded, going through changes, getting closer, who knows. Maybe it's unexplained for some other reason, I'm not the astronomer. But I would expect aliens to send a better message. :D
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The potentially extraterrestrial signals were picked up through the SETI+home project, which uses programs running as screensavers on millions of personal computers worldwide to sift through the huge amount of data picked up by the telescope.
you don't suspect that some college kids are playing a little trickery do ya'? graemlins/bsflag.gif
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Guest FBody Addict

actually, to be considered a signal, there would be some sort of pattern to that radio waves, instead of just static, which has no pattern at all


hopefully this turns something up, i knew i wasnt from this planet

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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

I run those at home programs on my pc's. But I run stuff to look for cure for cancer type of stuff. Maybe those aliens would visit us and they're all HOT HOT nymphos... who knows?

Maybe they visit us and find that this planet is a perfect pit stop to eat and poop on their way to someplace else that we haven't discovered yet. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

actually, to be considered a signal, there would be some sort of pattern to that radio waves, instead of just static, which has no pattern at all.

Incorrect. Actualy the "static of space" does have a pattern, have ya ever heard it? Kinda neat. There is also the possibility that it's not a purposefull signal, just some radio fart from their equiment. I'd look for a prime numbers in the pattern, since they dont exist in "mathmatical nature".
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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

really cuz that was one of their new episodes.


earth is just one big reality show for aliens to watch.

Yeah, it was on FOGNAL! :D


Oooh yeah, suck my jaggon!

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Originally posted by TA&2.5RS:

I ran SETS @ home until it killed two of my hard drives. One in my old 166, and one in my brand new DELL.

someone please explane that for me please... you are letting them use your computer by using their screen saver? in what means are they using your comp.
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You download the SETI screensaver. When you're not using your pc and a "regular" screensaver would normally come on, the SETI screensaver runs. While it does show you some gooblygook on the screen to look at an entertain, and to save your screen also I guess, the program is also processing data handed out to it by the central SETI computers.


See SETI records so much space radio traffic (and other EM energy too I imagine) that its impossible for it to sort thru all of it with its own computers, especially since SETI lost US government funding in the 90s. So they devised this as a way to distribute the workload. The SETI screensaver periodically downloads new data from the SETI computers and analyzes it, returns the findings, and asks for more. Rinse repeat.


Supposedly, if your computer is the one analyzing the data that turns up a potential source, you're supposed to get partial credit for the discovery.


The calculations are substantial. Your PC would probably be working harder with this during its downtime than when you are actively using it (large 3D games notwithstanding).

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