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drunk driver story

Guest Tony_K

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all drunk drivers should have there lisence taken away forever...and be thrown in jail and never get out. people always say oh thats too harsh..well ya know..people are dumb enough to say hey its ok to get drink ...oh its ok to get in a car and drive home and take the chance of killing someone..well i think the court system should be like well "you knew better" bye by off to jail you go for at least 1 year! Maybe if the consequences were a lot higher people might not do stupid things. (just my .2 cents..lol) Too bad someone else had to die..why is it that dumb ass f'd up drivers dont die and always the innocent people who did nothing to deserve it always end of dying or get hurt!
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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:


What you said up there was a blaitant smartass remark that has no place in this thread. I may have been a bit harsh as well and I appoligize for my remark.
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you would have to be really gucked up to not realize that your friend, that was sitting beside you, was just decapitated. i wonder if he was like talking to the body thinking he was still alive.



retarded drunk- "ohh well i got a convertible what do you think"

body- "(says nothing back)"

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I've been hit head on by a drunk driver and I don't think their licenses should be taken away forever. I think it depends on the level of intoxication as to how they should be punished though. When a guy drinks 2 beers and doesn't even have a buzz and gets pulled over for drunk driving and barely blows over the limit, I don't think the penalty should even be as great as it is. If someone is blowing high on the scale and is obviosly intoxicated I think they should be punished about as harsh as they already are. Now after multiple offenses I can understand the no license forever bit... but if everone who has a DUI couldn't drive there would be a lot more welfare going on because none of them could even work.
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Originally posted by Eastside Juggalo:

I'm telling you.. Straight Edge is where it's at mutha fackos!

Been there, done that... alcohol is better. I won't get intoxicated and drive, but I will drink a beer or two out with friends and give it an hour or 2 and drive home. If I need to leave and want to get trashed I find a dd.
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