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Mr. Clinton

Black ITR Guy

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Guest FBody Addict
graemlins/gives.gif one less bleeding heart liberal to worry about. if bush sr had been prez when the world trade center was bombed in 93, 9/11 would have probably never happened
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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

if bush sr had been prez when the world trade center was bombed in 93, 9/11 would have probably never happened

Bush Jr. hasn't caught him yet either so what you think the old man would have done better in catching Osama.Terrorist are crazy motherfuckers you cant stop them you can only hope to contain them.
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Guest FBody Addict

he may not have caught him but he may have had him on the run enough to keep him from planning it


he wouldnt have sat on his ass and done nothing, which is the liberal thing to do


also, did anyone know that the people of arkansas now hate him due to political policy set by him when he was governor as well as misconduct in his personal life

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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

"There are times to politics aside. I wish him the best with his surgery and a speedy recovery."

This guy is supposed to be you guys role model, follow his example. graemlins/thumb.gif

However, I'd like to declare open season on jokes reguaring his fat ass and poor diet. tongue.gif

I wish him the best.

Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

graemlins/gives.gif one less bleeding heart liberal to worry about. if bush sr had been prez when the world trade center was bombed in 93, 9/11 would have probably never happened

God what an idiot, what ODB said +1

Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

he wouldnt have sat on his ass and done nothing, which is the liberal thing to do

words fail me, you have no idea what you're talking about, or what went on, do you? How old are you? Do you remember when the Kenyan Embassy was bombed? Do you remember the public responce and that of the REPUBLICAN congress when Clinton proposed action? "WAG THE DOG" you all said, "He's just trying to draw attention away from his scandals". The president can act with the permission of silly asshats like yourself, but he does need the support of Congress to take on such a task, the Republican Congress...which he did not get. Blame your damn selves. He did managed to get the CIA to creat a dicision devoted to tracking Bin Laden and his Al Quaida buddies, but you're republican mouth pieces didnt tell you anything about that. You just know that Bin Laden was in Sudan for a while, and we Clinton didnt get him. Well geuss what son, Bush knew bin laden was in Afghanistan LONG before 9-11, why didnt he go after him? Your man is in no way better, and in many cases worse, then Kerry, and the only thing he has on Clinton is, he isnt getting his knob polished. If Bush had the little "D" next to his name, and Kerry had the little "R" Next to his, you'd all be sucking his nuts and bashing Bush. I'd still be voting for the same guy.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

Nice thing to say about a former president

Or anyone else. Just because they disagree with you, it doesn't mean they deserve to die. graemlins/slap.gif
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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

he may not have caught him but he may have had him on the run enough to keep him from planning it


he wouldnt have sat on his ass and done nothing, which is the liberal thing to do

Are you retarded? Know what? I was in the Persian Gulf under orders from Clinton in 1997/98. Want to know why I was over there? It rhymes with "shooting missiles at a foriegn country." Did you hear about it? NO. Did you need to, or did we need your permission? NO. Let's leave the political arguing to people who make sense and/or spell two syllable (and higher) words correctly.


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