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Final Fantasy XI question for all you hapless techno-weenies...


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ok, so i gave in and bought FFXI for my PC, well installed the game, bla bla bla and put about 10hrs into it, well just a couple days ago it just stopped working and i don't know why. it will load the game, i will load my character...but when it tries to load the actual game screen, it just quits and goes back to my desktop...no warning or anything..


i just don't understand why it worked and all of the sudden it stopped...i dont know if my system just can' handle it, since it ran fine for 10hrs of gameplay..is this a common problem?

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Guest Rane
The save files arn't kept on your computer. When I had a shittier comp I had to do a bunch of shit to make the computer think my comp was good enough to run the game. I haven't the slightest memory of how to do it though.
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Dsm ZerO, i found that site and went thru about all the suggestions, none of them seemed to fix it.


i think i am gonna have to re-install, i just wanna know what is causing this so it won't just happen again after re-install. oh well.


as for BooneS12, don't mind him, he's just another tool with a "fast" Mustang and he's not very computer literate, i think there is some jealousy...he's one of my best friends..give him a hard time because he's a nooB graemlins/asshole.gifgraemlins/finger.gif

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eat me 1pimp7, and all the others out there. he needs to reinstall all of his shit because his computer sucks, it is that easy. i had a computer that sucked and i bought a new one becuase there was no way that i could fix the old one. there is no jealousy shithead or best friend graemlins/trout.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gif
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Originally posted by RAMD AIR:

Steve, put off a mod for the Rex and get with me. I'll build you a badass PC for less than $600 smile.gif

Anthony, i always build them myself as well, there is nothing wrong with my computer really, the HDD is almost 5.5yrs old, that is about the only thing i haven't replaced and it's starting to show it's age and capacity, everything else gets updated 1-2x a year...BooneS12 doesn't know what he is talking about graemlins/bubbrubb.gif
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