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Beer Review: Pyramid Hefeweizen

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

I picked this up at Randall's or something like that. I have had it before at the last beer dinner that i put together. Being a fan of hefeweizen i am looking forward to having this again.


Bottle: the top has a small version of pyramid's logo with a definition of hefeweizen around it that says, "Hefeweizen(hav-fuh-vitz-en) A German style wheat beer, unfiltered for extra flavor and aroma. The perfect companion to any meal, it's the clear choice for cloudy beer.". Two things, i have never heard anyone ever say hefeweizen the way they have it sounded out, but hey, people in seattle that work at Pyramid obviously know more than I. Secondly, "clear choice for cloudy beer" is not a funny play on words. The bottom part of the lable shows the full Pyramid logo that shows two pyramids surrounded by snow and trees .


Pour: The beer pours out the typical hefeweizen cloudy orange with apparent high carbonation and a fine head on top that is 1/2 inch thick. The head dissapears quickly. The beer is definately cloudy throughout.


Taste: Actually, for as far as a hefe beer goes it is kind of bland. Don't get me wrong though, it is not bad, but i have had better hefes. The first thing that you taste is a sweet orange zesty flavor followed by a mild taste of wheat. The last thing that you get kind of ends the beer on a sour note as instead of the bitter hops taste usually found in most beers, you are merely left with a burning carbonation sting as you swallow.


Overall: I would rate this beer as drinkable since it is a hefeweizen. It is very refreshing as all hefes are, which makes it a wonderful beer for summertime (read: texas) consumption. The last time i had this beer was at a beer dinner that i put together and it was much better then. It is probably due to the fact that it was served with wings coated with a spicy soy based sauce. Hefeweizen + spicy foods = win.



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