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FUCKing Terrorists


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I am very sad at what happend in russia this weekend.




Such sick fucks need to die slowly and with as much pain as can be delt, just before the point of unconsiousness. Please keep the thread non-political, many innocent children lost thier lives.

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Guest mellott

in this day and age of we are every day under attack in some way or another i have served in the middle east and have been to the former USSR

and pretty much most of the world and dont think for one min. that that cant happen here our school our children our future is most at danger most schools have if they are luky a security officer woop E 4-6 highly trained comando types ya right that officer is toast and so would the school i have said that the one place that would hurt us most dearly would be something of the sort and after the recent events and a win on the side of the terrorist you dont expect them to try we need to be on our guard

and teach our young to be wary

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It's a new low for terrorism. I believe it was noted that 10 of the terrorists were Muslim mercinaries.


None of my friends wanted to talk about this. They "didn't care about Russia". It's unfortunate that some people don't care about world events. Especially something like this, even after 9-11.

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it is deffinately sad.


I'm at a loss of words.. I don't understand how someone can do that to CHILDREN... these people have to have children themselves.... These people can't be filled with that much hate... I refuse to believe that humanity is that far gone.

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Guest mellott

well the best way to defeat terrorism is to cut him off from attention no dont ignore them just need to relax a bit and fight this war a little more covertly to much attention feeds there ideals

the terrorist goal








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Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

And John Kerry wants to fight a gentler kinder war on terror.

Tell me what this has to do with Bush and Ill give you a dollar. Step away from the computer, realize you are ignorant, open a book, live in a world where things arent as black and white as you and most people think they are.


This is not some random act of violence. (Im quite sure you wholeheartedly believe that 9/11 and the like was completely unprovoked as well) The colflict dates back to WW2. The Chechens we accused of collaborating with Hitler and ostracized to Siberia via boxcar. Siberia isnt a fun place in the winter time. Lots of death. They were allowed to return eventually but werent keen on living next to the people that deported them and were responsible for the deaths of most of their people. In 91' as The Soviet Union was crumbling, rumors of another deportation surfaced.


The Chechens said "F-That" and started taking over what they could. While Russia (after 92) did not recognize Chechnya as an independent state, they managed to make a cozy spot for themselves with an airport, a lil army, and some oil exportation. Finally 3 years later, Russia said screw that, and staged a rebellion that failed. So the war began some 90,000 people died, mostly Chechens.


Getting to the point: In 1995 a group Chechen rebels stormed a hospital. A cease fire was negotiated and the rebels were set free. Immediately after, Russia began negotiating a peace with Chechnya. Exactly what the "Terrorists" wanted.


So it goes. The last 5 years the Russians have promised to bomb them into submission and the Chechens, having little or no resources, respond in the only way they can make a dent.


Does that excuse killing kids? No way. But dont assume that people take up killing people and blowing up buildings just because they are crazy. Its that kind of ignorance that will only perpetuate the cycle.

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I believe it was noted that 10 of the terrorists were Muslim mercenaries.
I see this as a failed attempt to draw a connection between the troubles our government has been using to subdue Americans into a terrified submission, and this event... all with the use of the word "Muslim".


World info for ya: Chechens are Muslim. ;)


Al-Qaida funds warring Muslims all over the world. These particular Muslims battling a nation infinitely more powerful than them, likely took said funds gratefully.


I think what you meant to say is there were ARAB mercenaries among them. Which is probably true. No all people in Africa are black.

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Originally posted by mellott:


punctuation is your friend.



Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

[qb] And John Kerry wants to fight a gentler kinder war on terror. No thanks my family is safer with Bush in office!!!!!!! :D ...

I guess we ignored and/or cannot understand the meaning of the word "NON-political"


your intellegent guy, why get sucked in.


IMO it's a deplorable act that needs to be recognized and reflected on by everyone, the time will come to debate when, why and how. Please not now.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

I see this as a failed attempt to draw a connection between the troubles our government has been using to subdue Americans into a terrified submission, and this event... all with the use of the word "Muslim".


World info for ya: Chechens are Muslim. ;)


Al-Qaida funds warring Muslims all over the world. These particular Muslims battling a nation infinitely more powerful than them, likely took said funds gratefully.


I think what you meant to say is there were ARAB mercenaries among them. Which is probably true. No all people in Africa are black.

You're right. My mistake. What I meant to say was Arab mercinaries.


I knew that Chechnya was mostly Muslim. Brain fart.

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What suprises me about all this is that so many of you didnt know about this untill now. The major news networks hd ongoing coverage for the durtion of the event.

Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

And John Kerry wants to fight a gentler kinder war on terror. No thanks my family is safer with Bush in office!!!!!!! :D

You are the proud new wearer of the "Ig'nint foo" hat. Kerry said "sensitve", look it up, its got more then one meaning. The jist of his statement is tht it is better to use precise deployments of special forces then to use massive troop deployments, and I agree, been saying that since last februry.


Kind stupid for a mercenary to be involved with terrorists, you cant collect your check when you've blowed yourself up.


I agree that these extremists must be delt with swiftly and brutaly. But we cnt for get, those fuckers ctuly do represent a group of people getting screwed. If we want to put a significant dent in terrorist activities, we should nuke Israel. Vaporizing it all would make us a huge target, more people would be more motivated to attack. But, flash fry israel, and there goes our biggest problem. The only difference between them and palestinian terrorists is, the Israelis kill the innocent with expencive weapons.

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Guest Ranger_Man



well eric, thats one way to make yourself look like a retard.


sucks about those kids. the non crazy muslims are starting to get the drift that these attacks by the crazy muslims are getting out of hand and are hurting thier religion.



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Originally posted by Beer Guy:



well eric, thats one way to make yourself look like a retard.

way to make me laugh at myself, fuckin Texan. tongue.gif


"Capable of perceiving with a sense or senses.

Responsive to a stimulus"

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I'm sorry most of you don't agree with my assesmnet on terrorists, "KILL THEM ALL". But I've got a news flash for you all they want to kill all of us, anyone who is a non muslim. My Kerry comment was directed at the fact that Kerry wants to goto the UN for permissiion for us to use our troops every time we need to defend ourselves. I'm sorry but the UN is a piece of shit all they do is sit around with their thumb up their ass and try to tell someone to stop or face punishment, EX. Sudan.
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Its not that "we" don’t agree, is that we live in the real world where there are ramifications for such actions.


Its the same shortsightedness that kept you from seeing the value in learning how to articulate an argument that now keeps you from realizing how juvenile your "strategy" is.

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Please enlighten me on how to deal with a terrorist, because the last time I checked the only way a terrrorist knew how to deal with anybody was by terrorizing them through killing mass amounts of people. I do realize that violence begets violece, but then explain to me how to deal with or rationalize what they do to innocent people.

I'm curios were you picked on as child?

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Originally posted by mellott:







Your more enlightened fellow newbie gave you clues as how not to deal with terrorists. You truely think that trying W and friends trying grip a nation with fear 3 years after one terrorist strike is an effective way to deal with things? What does that tell those who wish to incite terror: They can have a massive and lasting effect upon the most powerful nation in the world by taking out what amounts to a handful of people.


Your motion to "KILL" all terrorist while a noble venture in idealism seems to be ignorant to our reality in which we cant find one specific dude (OBL) let alone ALL those who would wish to incite terror. One would need something like a thought police to do something like that. -Not a bad idea you’re probably thinking.


The terrorists have already won. We are a defeated nation. 3 years after the only major attack on American soil, much of the nations population is still living in fear (with all due credit to Tom Ridge). The purpose of terrorism is NOT to kill people, that just happens to be a means to an end. The true purpose is to change the way we live our lives; to captivate us with fear, and question whether we can enter the Fing subway and exit alive.


To prepare for the future, we must learn from the past. Perhaps instead of assuming, as you have done, that they simply want to kill us for not being Muslim, discover that there might a political motivation behind their aggression. Perhaps by discovering said motivation, the problem can be rooted at the source. Ill let you open a history book on your own to discover what that all these people could be so pissed off about.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Your more enlightened fellow newbie gave you clues as how not to deal with terrorists. You truely think that trying W and friends trying grip a nation with fear 3 years after one terrorist strike is an effective way to deal with things? What does that tell those who wish to incite terror: They can have a massive and lasting effect upon the most powerful nation in the world by taking out what amounts to a handful of people.


Your motion to "KILL" all terrorist while a noble venture in idealism seems to be ignorant to our reality in which we cant find one specific dude (OBL) let alone ALL those who would wish to incite terror. One would need something like a thought police to do something like that. -Not a bad idea you’re probably thinking.


The terrorists have already won. We are a defeated nation. 3 years after the only major attack on American soil, much of the nations population is still living in fear (with all due credit to Tom Ridge). The purpose of terrorism is NOT to kill people, that just happens to be a means to an end. The true purpose is to change the way we live our lives; to captivate us with fear, and question whether we can enter the Fing subway and exit alive.


To prepare for the future, we must learn from the past. Perhaps instead of assuming, as you have done, that they simply want to kill us for not being Muslim, discover that there might a political motivation behind their aggression. Perhaps by discovering said motivation, the problem can be rooted at the source. Ill let you open a history book on your own to discover what that all these people could be so pissed off about.

+10000000000 this is probabably the most intelligent, well thought out post I have read in any of the terrorist posts that have been made.
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