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Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Back around September I got interested in Norse mythology for some obscure reason, and once I picked up a book on it, I was hooked. The characters are especially appealing with their down-to-earth personifications. Hell, Thor had a drinking contest where he downed 25 gallons of ale, and Odin disguised himself and went around sleeping with a bunch of women to create all the people of earth. These are guys we can relate to! Erm, want to relate to.


Afterwards I bought Age of Mythology for PC. Pretty good game, love the Vikings.


Also big into Egyptian mythos and Greek/Roman. The Aurthurian legends are also pretty interesting. I got a little into the ancient Chinese mythologies, and even studied Zen for a while (still Christian, but thought meditating was sorta nifty... never could get it down though- too impatient).


Anyone else out there enjoy mythology (any aspect of it-fav culture, character, legend, etc)? I like it because you're getting the history, along with some entertaining stories.


[ 11. May 2004, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: The Silent God ]

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Yeah, I've always been a fan of Greek and Roman mythology. Less knowledgeable about Norse mythology, but I still dig it - how can you not like a God of Lies? graemlins/thumb.gif I've read the "classics" (e.g., Illiad, Odyssey, etc.) several times over and taken several courses in mythology. Really good stuff.
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Anything along the lines of mythology or history, I am very interested in. Ventured a little bit into Greek and Roman but never have read about Norse mythology. Also I have read books on religion to. Paganism and other spiritual subjects. Good stuff!
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Norse mythology is really all I was ever into, but I don't know a whole lot about it. I'd like to know more though. Maybe a trip to the library is in order...


I listen to alot of norwegian and swedish bands though, and alot of them sing about that stuff.

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Back when I was into the martial arts very heavy I used to study chinese history and stuff quite abit. Used to meditate daily. I always liked astronomy so the study of all the worlds mythology kinda goes along with it. I really like the science of the acient world. Its cool to see how they devised math to prove there incorrect understanding of the motions of the stars and planets. Hell it all worked out in there math and calendars still share very similar methods.



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