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cops searching cars


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Don't know if anyone noticed or not, but I'm on the road around 4 to 6 hours a day and lately I've been seeing alot of cars being searched. WTF?

Did a new law pass or something. Is is something to do with the counter terrorism shit? If so why search some moms minivan. I've even seen them do a search on westerville rd at rush hour. right in the damn left turning lane. Seems like there looking for reasons to ticket people pretty badly. Just today I watched an ST going all over a guys car. Wasn't a POS either.



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might be doing random searchs, you know just ask to do a consented search on randomly stopped vehicles to help set a preset paper trail of normaly asking for and doing random searchs so that some one can't say that asking them was being racial or profiling
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Guest Tony_K

Semester schools are out, and the number of irresponsible young adults with too much time on their hands and too much of their parents' money just increased significantly - there are a lot more crazies on the road now than a couple of weeks ago.


spoiled college kid = prime candidate to find weed in car.

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I agree with Tony_K, Very true about a lot of ohio school being off for summer break. A lot of mischief for those "young adults" to get into since they have so much time on their hands now. Luckily I am a college study going year round and also have a job, only time I have time to do anything is friday night and saturday night and I am usually out with you fellas so...its just another prime example of a few bad apples spoiling the whole bunch.
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Guest monkey4sale321
Hmm thats weird. Random searches, would have never thought about it. I also agree with Tony_K, my school ends at the end of the month, and with the stupid kids at my school, I can see why random searches could be done. but still wtf
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Originally posted by You Smell Ugly:

If you get pulled over for speeding, and then the cop decides to search your car, is that legal without a warrant?

Well, sort of. Basically, the cop has two choices. He can ask you if it is okay to search your car. This would be giving consent. Most likely, people on here wouldn't give two shits. Or, if the cop smells pot or sees something illegal, this is probable cause. Either way, cops are in the clear.
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Guest wigsite
Unless the police officer has probable cause, i.e. he smells pot, or can tell you specifically what he is looking for and why, there is no reason or need to consent to a random search. The refusal to consent to a search can't be construed as probable cause.
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Guest JoesGirlfriend

If I get pulled over and they ask to search my vehicle, it's going to be a matter of "depeds if I am getting a ticket or not. Ticket = no permission. No ticket = permission."


I find it funny how many people are willing to just let their vehicle be searched. I have nothing in any of my vechiles that are a cause for any sort of concern; that doesn't mean I want them nosing around in my vehicles.


Edit: Alright, damn it, I gotta log my g/f off of my PC!!! -Joe

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I say no. Because...


My first time getting searched was a bad expirence. The officer went through all my stuff and had my stuff from the glove box and other storage compartments everywhere. Of corse he did not find anything. Maybe there was something going on in his personal life and decided to take it out on me. :confused: I was very :mad:


Now, after hearing that, if the officer says he/she will not do that. I would think about it.

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Forgive my ignorance, but I was under the impression that it was against the law for an officer to forcefully search your car without a warrant, that they could "peer" into the car and see what they could see, but that they were not allowed to force you to open your trunk or hood to let them look around unless they had a warrant to look for something specific? Has this changed? I haven't been pulled over in a LONG time, so I'm not really aware of the changes. Thanks.
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When I was younger, I had a cop pull me over for having window tint 5% darker than the legal limit (like you could tell that by looking at it) Anyways... they tore my car apart (without my concent) and even brought a drug dog to sniff it out.... they didn't find anything, but then my car was now a mess and torn apart and they didn't even help put anything back in the car..... since then.... if I even think they are going to search it, I say no.... even though, I have nothing to hide, I don't wanna clean up after them, and I know since I'm not a big busted blonde chick, that I'm going to get a ticket for something anyways... regardless if it's "made up" or not.


I got a grandpa car now, and I started driving like a grandpa about 2 years ago, so I haven't had that prolem since then...


I don't really care about the being able to search thing... my problem is them leaving a mess for me to pick up (when I did nothing wrong) as well as the fact that it takes 2 hours out of my day..... If they really wanna hang out, all they have to do is ask if I wanna hang out or something... at least then I can be at a bar or something tongue.gif


Edit: I'm in a bad mood.... please disregard the stupid stuff I wrote here... even though they are facts. :D

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They need probable cause or the drivers consent before searching a car. There are a few other things that can come in to play like plain view and stuff like that but for the most part they have no right. A lot of times they will just ask and most people say yes so that they don't look guilty. If you have done nothing then tell them to go to hell. Deputyligtning can probably fill you guys in a little better but this is stuff that I have learned from the academy. If you just speeding and get pulled over and they ask to search SAY NO. It is not against the law for them to ask.
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I got pulled over once because an off-duty cop called and said I had a gun. **long story** I got pulled over by the ghetto bird, and seven CPD cruisers near the Kroghettos on High St. The guy who was riding with me and myself were told over the loudspeaker to put the keys on top of the car, and reach out the windows and put our hands on the roof of the car. They came up, handcuffed me (I think they handcuffed him too, but I don't remember), and put us in the back of seperate cruisers. I asked the officer what the fuck was going on, and he wouldn't tell me. After they searched through everything in my car, an officer came back to my car and told me what was going on. I laughed at him. Seriously. He said it wasn't funny, and I told him it was. He asked if I had any weapons, anything that could be used as one, or anything else illegal in the car. I said, "no sir, well... uhm... I have a nitrous bottle in the trunk that you can't do anything about because the line isn't hooked up and I have a fire extingusher (spelling?) bolted to the tranny tunnel that I could bonk you with". Yeah, he didn't like the bonking comment. He told me that he was going to impound my car for the nitrous and that I was going to jail. Again, I laughed. I told him to go ask his buddies. See, I knew they had absolutely nothing on me. And, that the guy who was riding with me would have the exact same story (because it was the fucking truth). Officer Suck Ass goes and talks to the other cops, gets on the radio, looks in my car some more, then after about twenty minutes comes back to talk to me. "Okay son, seems you were telling the truth. You're free to go." As he was undoing the handcuffs, I laughed at him again. You could tell he was getting really, really, really pissed at me. I knew he was going to pull me over for anything he could, so I just drove around the corner to my buddy's apartment and hung out for a few hours. It was a great night. But, this is proof that they can search your car without consent and without a search warrant if they have probable cause (like an off-duty cop being a cocksucker). I contacted a lawyer about it. He said there was nothing I could do about it. So, that is all.
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I think they are allowed to search what is readily reachable by the driver. Trunks are a different story. Under no circumstances would i give permission for an officer to search my car. I have never been asked to be searched but i would most definitly turn into a bad customer should the situation arise.


Kyle G.

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Well its all good, but the people now more than 15 of them I've seen in the last few weeks were not rich young kids. they were a mix of people over 25. Of course I could have just been in all the right places to see this. I've been pulled over lots and lots of times and have never been searched or asked about it. Oh one more crazy fact. The a few of the cops had nice bins for the people to put there shit into. Just like they are out there just doing random searches.



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Guest CrazeyGT
I got pulled over once, when I was still back in NY driving my old chevy celebrity, they asked me if they could search my car, and I had no problem with it, they said they could smell something, it was actually funny, I was comming home from college so I had my rat with me on the passanger seat, I think I freaked the cop out cuz he came out saying "She has a rat in there" hehehehe, it was funny and they didnt find anything hehehehe...
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Guest nixon
i saw a nice new red bmw being completely stripped out in a middle school parking lot by a cop around 11 pm not long ago, looked like a lady was sitting in his cruiser. i just held my horn (since i was in my non daily driver maxima) to try to get him confused what was going on as he searched it.... that was exciting i guess..
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reach area is a warrantless search and legal, and pc is a warrantless search and legal. K9 hitting as to possible drugs is legal warrantless search.

search incident to arrest is legal with out search warrant and so is search incident to towing for legal grounds i.e. dui, dus, parked on roadway and such

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