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Netgear and their support


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I just needed to ran a tad.


Bought a wireless router from Newegg.com. I finaly get it last night. Hook it up, everything's good.


Tonight I come home from work. Nothing from all three of my PC's.. No IP address, nada. I do basically all the troubleshooting necessary.


So I call Netgear phone support (maybe.. Just MAYBE they can get it to work by some act of God).


So I get this girl. young.. can't speak SHIT for english (India).


First thing she says (almost impossible to understand her btw) "did you fill out the online registration."..

"no, I didn't. I didn't have time".


So the girl tells me to take my cable modem and plug it directly to the PC... ok. Then tells me to go to www.netgear.com/register. I say "ok.. I'm there". She makes me fill out the freakin registration form.. Normally, when I call for tech support (not very often.. actually.. never), It was never made to fill out the registration form. Anyways, I do all that crap and then go on to the "tech support" of the call.


She starts off on the basic shit about networking and I but in and tell her (at the beginning) "I'm a level 3 desktop tech at my work. I've done ALL these steps already". She ignores me like I was talking to my cat. She keeps going:


"Please to the control panel".. I butt in and say..


"I've already done it".

she said "You set the network speed to XXXXX"..

"yes, I did".

"please set it to 10/half"

"I already did that"

"go to the command prompt.." cut off-

"and do what.. try to pull and IP address"?


"did that"


"DHCP server unavailable.. like I said BEFORE!"


So.. she proceeds to tell me to change the NIC settings to everything else! :mad: I go through all that again.


In the mean time (towards the beginning of this wonderful call), I say "I have a linksys router that I tested and it works fine.. so it's not a physical issue with my PC's"


Anyways, then she tells me to hardcode an IP address.. By the time she tells me what the IP address she wants, I already put everything in and tell her "same thing.. can't get to the router.. can't ping it.. nada".


Puts me on hold for about 5 minutes.


She comes back "Sir, you're going to have to return the router to the store and get another one...".. grrrr


Edit - and the only reason I called is normally you have to go through the manufactures technical support before they can say "ok, its' a piece of shit.. return it".

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Guest minion4343

dude i work at calltech on the Verizon dsl project and the dsl is the worse thing you could think of lol

but its a job thats all i have to say and i understand what your talking about... for crapy service

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