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So I'm playing Madden 2k5..


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I got a better one. Me and my 8 year old are playing ps2 a few months ago. My 2 year old daughter decides to walk in front of us and get caught on one of the controller cords. Before I could grab her bang out comes the ps2 from the entertainment stand on to the hardwood floor from about a foot and a half. Needless to say I had to by my son a new playstation.
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Originally posted by jallen100:

I got a better one. Me and my 8 year old are playing ps2 a few months ago. My 2 year old daughter decides to walk in front of us and get caught on one of the controller cords. Before I could grab her bang out comes the ps2 from the entertainment stand on to the hardwood floor from about a foot and a half. Needless to say I had to by my son a new playstation.

Ouch, that sucks.


Marc. Me >doesn't give a shit.


At least I'm the Steelers ;) . I beat Baltimore last week 86-0. graemlins/jerkit.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gif

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I am waiting till I can move my comp downstairs by the bigscreen then Ps2 online play will be all gooood. However, I like NCAA way better then Madden 1 because pro football is pretty fawking stupid most times 2 I obviously like college sports better and 3 the game play and game set up it all just seems way better. Anyone got NCAA and Madden that can tell me if NCAA has as big of an online crowd as madden? Cause I don't wanna HAVE to play the same people over and over....
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Originally posted by Rane:

I am waiting till I can move my comp downstairs by the bigscreen then Ps2 online play will be all gooood. However, I like NCAA way better then Madden 1 because pro football is pretty fawking stupid most times 2 I obviously like college sports better and 3 the game play and game set up it all just seems way better. Anyone got NCAA and Madden that can tell me if NCAA has as big of an online crowd as madden? Cause I don't wanna HAVE to play the same people over and over....

I haven't played NCAA online so I couldn't tell you, but I'll fire it up and see what's out there.


If anyone wants to play Madden or NCAA online, let me know, I'm always up for a game.

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Wich game do you like better? One of my main problems with madden is they put a hold onto the ball button instead of a hurdle wich basically does nothing, it alteast could have been more of a "Truck" move instead of some lame ok I'm ready to be tackled. That and I can't see the entire field, if there gonna only let me see so much of the field from sideline to sideline make it firstperson so I can look around smile.gif .
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