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Anybody have a flat bed trailer I can borrow for a day?


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I will be going on a journey to pick up an FD RX-7. The engine is fubar so I can't drive it. More than likly I'll beable to get down there next weekend to pick it up. As far as location, well, it's in Florida, but I'll make it a non-stop trip. Should be about a 32 hour drive to there and back. I'll bring it back ASAP. If you could help me out, that would sure be just dandy, and I would greatly appreciate it.
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well we just did this for my rx-7, and it's an FD. You can tow from the rear tires, just take the drive shaft off and you'll be fine. Easiest way to get at the drive shaft bolts once it's on a two wheel dolly ( and DONT tow the car with the front wheels on ground) is to just either inch the car forward, or backward while it's up on the dolley so you can have the drive shaft to rotate so you can get to each bolt. Also don't forget to remove the brace that's right up under neath it as you can't pull it free without doing that anyways. We drove all the way from here, to maryland, to virgnia, to north carolina and back home with a car being moved that way so you should be alright. Hollar at me if you have any questions about it.



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