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Apartment, North side, somewhere.

Guest SweeeetSilvia

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Guest SweeeetSilvia

Ok I am looking at a few different places, Tiffany Lakes, Gardens at Polaris, The Woods at Polaris, and Easton Commons. Does anyone live in any of these, tell me any of the good, bad, etc. I would appreciate that. Also, if there are any other places you would reccomend? I am on a rent budget of around 1200 a month, and I need a two bedroom with a minimum of 1100sq ft.




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I live at Gardens at Polaris. I have a two bedroom, two bath apartment with an attached garage. (I believe all of the two bedroom apartments here come with attached garages.) I pay just under $1000 per month in rent.


I really have no complaints with respect to living here. It's quiet and clean. One cool feature to the apartment complex is that there is a rear entrance/exit that is accessible only by keycard (which only tenants get) that puts you right out at the back of Target - essentially right on Polaris Parkway. It cuts down a lot on drive time - with that rear exit/entrance, you aren't forced to go all the way down Polaris Parkway, to Sancus, and on to Lazelle.


The apartment complex has a workout facility, and it in there are some dumbells and a Smith machine for benching and what not. It's accessible 24-hours a day.


The tenants here range from mid-20's to older folks. I've never seen a party going on here. Ever. And I've never been bothered by noise.


The apartments here come with washer-dryer hook-ups, so, if you move here, and want to do laundry, you'll have to buy a washer and dryer, unless you already have one. (I say this because some apartment complexes already have the washer and dryer installed.)


The cable here is through Insight. I have Roadrunner for my internet connection. Never had any problems with either (but I don't ask a lot of them, either).


About Easton Commons. I think those are the ones right across from the Easton mall, right? If so, I looked into those before settling on Gardens at Polaris. Easton Commons was, when I was looking into them, pretty expensive - I think they wanted in the area of $1000 for a one bedroom. The apartments had hardwood floors, which was cool, but, to me, it didn't justify the price. Also, I don't think Easton Commons had garages when I was looking into them - that was a dealbuster.


Another thing about living where I do: People bitch a lot about the traffic on Polaris Parkway, but I've never had a problem with it. Seriously, given the volume, and even considering all of the construction that has be going on, the traffic flows very well. From Gardens at Polaris, you have several quick routes to 71 and to 23 and 270.


I hope this helps. Good luck with your search.


Also, Dan, if you want, I'd be glad to show you my apartment and show you around the complex.

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Not being an ass by no means just a queation, If your goin to pay 1200 a month why not buy a house. you could get a nice 140,000$ house for that price.


once again just a questions so dont all you jump on my ass b/c i'm asking a question.

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Originally posted by yellowsnake:

Not being an ass by no means just a queation, If your goin to pay 1200 a month why not buy a house. you could get a nice 140,000$ house for that price.


once again just a questions so dont all you jump on my ass b/c i'm asking a question.

Not to intentionally hijack Dan's thread, but I think that's an excellent question, and it's something that I've been wrestling with for the past year.


In short, I don't want to live in a $140,000 house, or in an area of Columbus where the houses cost $140,000. That's not me being entirely elitist - a lot of it has to do with what I do for a living, and where I need to live relative to my offices.


You might then say, "Well, why not a $300,000 house? I'm sure you can get a house in that price range for what you're paying in rent right now." And I'd agree, but point out that I'd need to have, even with pretty good credit, a fair chunk of change to put down on the house as a down payment to get my payments into that range, and, quite frankly, I don't feel like saving up that amount of money right now.


Also, I enjoy the freedom that comes with an apartment - at the end of my lease, I can walk away, free and clear. With a house, I think I'd freak out over needing to actually sell it in order to get out of it. Since I'm not exactly ready to settle down at the moment, buying a house, i.e., settling down somewhere physically, isn't exactly appealing.


I know, there's money that can be made in buying and selling houses, if you're willing to put up with what comes with it. I guess I'm just not interested enough to do that right now, nor am I really in any dire need to put myself in a house. Maybe that'll change a year from now. But, for the time being, there's my response to your question, which I still think is a great question. I ask myself it about the first of every month. smile.gif

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Originally posted by yellowsnake:

Not being an ass by no means just a queation, If your goin to pay 1200 a month why not buy a house. you could get a nice 140,000$ house for that price.


once again just a questions so dont all you jump on my ass b/c i'm asking a question.

1080 a month will put you at 150k (that is insurance and all)
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I'll back up everything John has stated...my best friend used to live at the Gardens at Polaris and it's a very nice community. My only complaint with it was the lack of extra parking. But he's right...my house is not to far from there up by the Bank One complex and in that area you can pretty much completely avoid all of the "traffic problems" associated with polaris by using Lazelle as a skapegoat to 23 rather than using polaris and 71.


If you're looking for something that's also very nice and a little bit further away from the hustle of everything I used to live at Berkeley Park in New Albany....absolutely my favorite place I've lived...don't get me wrong I love my house...but Berkeley park was awesome. They have townhomes that are on the second and third floor of their buildings that should provide the space you're looking for in that pricerange too. They also have attached garages and I was able to get an additional garage at no charge thrown into my deal for both years that we lived there. New Albany is a great laid back atmosphere that is far enough away from everything to be quiet but close enough to Easton that you still can get to just about anything you want within 15 minutes. The 161 construction kinda puts a damper on that whole area right now though...but my wife and I def. plan on moving back out to that area in a few years when finances permit.



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Guest Evl Mdgt
Shit... We just found a 2 bedroom townhouse, that comes with a garage and washer n dryer thats secluded and very quiet for like $600 a month.But i think its between 900-1000 sq feet.And thats in the NorthWest region. Get one of those apartment booklets you get for free at the grocery store (if you havent already). They have a lot of summer specials going on.
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Guest SweeeetSilvia

Like John said, I am not ready for a house and what comes with it, nor do I have a down payment or the credit for one. I want to take atleast 3-4 years and save up a good chunk of change and finish college before I even consider buying a house.


John, thanks for the info, I thought that you lived there, I paint there sometimes and I work out with Boddy, the head guy there. The main thing I was worried about was how the complex was at late nights, weekends, if there was a lot of parties, noise, etc. Which model of the two bedroom upper do you live in, the one with the living room inbetween the bedrooms or the small one?



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Originally posted by SR22DET:

John, thanks for the info, I thought that you lived there, I paint there sometimes and I work out with Boddy, the head guy there. The main thing I was worried about was how the complex was at late nights, weekends, if there was a lot of parties, noise, etc. Which model of the two bedroom upper do you live in, the one with the living room inbetween the bedrooms or the small one?

I live in the one with the living room inbetween the two bedrooms.


Yeah, there are no worries when it comes to late nights, weekends, and such. No break ins, no trespassing (that I know of), no vandalism, no noisy people.

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Guest 420GSXR1000

Kenny and Henderson (behind Governor Square) weybridge road, 600 bucks, about ????? sq ft, NO GARAGE, 2 bedrm, water incl., townhouse with finished basement


just thought id add.........

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Guest powers

what ever you do don't move to gordon farms in Dublin.


I lived there for 3 years and every year my rent up. When I moved in my rent was 895, when I left it was 1120. The management sucks too. Just thought I would let you know.


When people say that you can just buy a home this is very true. You can buy a home for what you are paying in rent. But it won't be as nice, won't be in the same area, and will be no bigger most of the time. Josh is right on for 150K being 1080 a month with everything, I know I quoted him the payment. When I bought my house I had to almost double my monthly payment to live in just as nice area with a home that was just as nice as my apartment. You can buy a 120K house in grove city of that is what you want for 900 a month but not a 2800 sq ft home in dublin, powell, polaris, westerville, worthington, or new albany. Also one of the things Tilley said to me when he was looking is that he has freedom with his apartment. If he wants to move it is alot easier that if he had to sell a home. I had never thought of that but if it is important to him then it has to be considered.

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