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bf2 is out


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So no bots on a small lan party then? How gay.



Here is some disappointing info on the game....





edit AGAIN...


I guess coop does work!!!!


"All u have to do to get your single player/co-op server to show on ASE is start the game, press escape, then alt+tab to go to desktop. Then open ASE, go to the Bf2 demo folder, richt click on the server. Then you must choose "new server" where u enter your ip , and make sure to uncheck the box that says "public"


Now refresh and u- and the rest of the world should see your single player game listed for all to see and join.



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Originally posted by NoRodStang:

Y your questions ocnfused me. So i will try and answer. I host server under linux yes they require LEGIT copies. Also there is a big lan party this weekend www.whempys.com

wow.. didn't know there was a local LAN spot.. is it possible to just show up to see what's going down? and what times are people from CR gonna be there(I still haven't really met anyone off of here yet)
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