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Cable HSI speed


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This may be a long shot, but does anyone else on here have their cable internet service through Adelphia?


I ask because I usually have 2.5-3.5 meg download speeds. Tuesday, I was getting 300-400k... Wednesday was 500-600... then tonight, I restored my PC to Dec 20th, installed some Windows updates, and I'm back up to 2.5 megs.


The Customer Service Reps told me everything from, "half our pipe line is down (Tues), to ,"nope, we're not having ANY problems." Curious if anyone else experienced severe slowdowns this week?


Also, anyone know if Adelphia is actually just piping in their service from another company like WOW or RR?


EDIT - I'm back down to 300-500k. Guess it wasn't me.


[ 22. January 2005, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: NurkVinny ]

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