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Prescription Drugs > *

The Man of Steele

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Hey Chris, glad to hear the narcotics are working for you.


Percocet is substantially stronger (i.e., more potent at killing pain) than Darvocet. In fact, Darvocet is relatively weak as an analgesic; it's about as strong as a couple hundred milligrams of aspirin, which isn't a lot. On the whole, Percocet is about seven times more powerful than Darvocet.


Hope that helps.

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ha ha word

Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Hey Chris, glad to hear the narcotics are working for you.


Percocet is substantially stronger (i.e., more potent at killing pain) than Darvocet. In fact, Darvocet is relatively weak as an analgesic; it's about as strong as a couple hundred milligrams of aspirin, which isn't a lot. On the whole, Percocet is about seven times more powerful than Darvocet.


Hope that helps.

Sweet, I am not the addicted to anything type person short of pussy, but hey we have all been there. Holler at me on aim some time mang.
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Guest SweeeetSilvia

^Not funny asshole.


Chris, as John said Percocet is stronger, it is considered a C2 class drug, Darvocets are C4. There are six classes, C1 being the strongest.

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Guest infamous me 235

and i had to go back to the surgeon and get the bone pking through my gum shaved down. :mad: fucking hurts, but i get an excuse to pop some vicodin again smile.gif


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Guest RdHondaSi

EDIT: Dude, if you chose "I like pain killers" as a name, go get some help man. And I don't mean go back to a doctor's to get more or anything along that line...


classes of drugs

Schedule I:

No accepted medical use Examples: heroin, marijuana, LSD


Schedule II:

High abuse potential with severe dependence liability Examples: morphine, methadone, oxycodone, amphetamines, secobarbital


Schedule III:

Less abuse potential than schedule I and schedule II substances Examples: acetaminophen that contains limited quantities of certain narcotic drugs


Schedule IV:

Less abuse potential than schedule III substances

Examples: phenobarbital, benzodiazepines, propoxyphene, pentazocine, phentermine


Schedule V:

Least abuse potential of scheduled substances

Examples: buprenorphine, propylhexedrine



Iv'e never been on Oxycotin(the stronger derivative of narcotic), I've taken Percocets(slightly weaker narcotic, and they KICK my ass pretty bad)


Hydrocodone(Vicodin) is what I've been on since Jan. for my back

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Guest RdHondaSi
Originally posted by JEEENKINNNS:

illegal ones are better

Hmmmm.... When do you drill again??? Might have to talk to someone about a surprise Saturday morning.... smile.gif
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