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Kill Switch Engage, yeah, the band

Science Abuse

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What the FUCK is this shit? I was working int he basement, and had the blitz on. This shit comes on "choose it or lose it" and wins? People love it!? It is the worst excuse of talentless hack bad screamin heavy metal I have ever heard! That fucker sounds like a lounge singer, and he's trying to pull off a metal ballad, which sucks anyways, WHY THE FUCK ARE SO MANY PEOPLE VOTING FOR THIS SHIT!?

god damn people have no fucking taste

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Have you reached a certain age or something. I no I haven't liked any new stuff for many years.

I'm only into the bands that last more than a few years. This "One hit wonder" shit totally sucks ass mostly because the people that like that shit are in my opinion are the equivelent of ricers in the music world.



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Guest FBody Addict

forget contemporary radio, it will always let you down, stick to qfm, even though they tend to overplay new stuff sometimes, but usually its all good classic rock


then there is the cd player


insert metallica (anything before the black album)

press play


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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

forget contemporary radio, it will always let you down, stick to qfm, even though they tend to overplay new stuff sometimes, but usually its all good classic rock


then there is the cd player


insert metallica (anything before the black album)

press play


How perfect for the Kitchen, Metallica sucks.
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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by Sofa King:

How perfect for the Kitchen, Metallica sucks.

Well, at least he said before the Black album. When they sobered up and started playing with symphonies, they really started sucking sack.
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Guest sphen02
Originally posted by mesteno:

couple good new bands : Jet, Velvet revolver, saliva all are pretty damn good IMO.

Then your opinion sucks. Jet tries too damn hard to be the beatles. And dont get me started on saliva. They're fucking miserable. They are the taint of the dying Nu Metal scene.
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Originally posted by Cap'n Ahab:

Then your opinion sucks. Jet tries too damn hard to be the beatles. And dont get me started on saliva. They're fucking miserable. They are the taint of the dying Nu Metal scene.

The Beatles? Are you fucking kidding me? ACDC maybe, but not the Beatles.


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You don't have much taste for darker music, atreyu, professional murder music, fear factory etc.. Good bands, better than that popy bullshit blink 182 and that other high school bullshit assfucking wanna be rock music. I want something I can listen to while trying to kill someone brutally. smile.gif
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Originally posted by Sofa King:

How perfect for the Kitchen, Metallica sucks.

They currently suck, and probably will forever more. But up untill about 1990, they fucking ruled.

Mettalica, oddly enough, is the poster child for why musicians SHOULD NOT make alot of money. Look at what happened, they all got rich, and they all got fucking therapy. No more mental disorders, no more substance abuse, just money and contentment. And let me tell ya something, happy people make shitty music, its a fact. Metallica made good shit whent hey were fucked up.


alex, you'll find I have faith in absolutely nothing but physics. I'll feign it, but I always expect to be let down. graemlins/thumb.gif

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I agree. Artists are usually pretty fucked up. Thats what gives them there ideas and talent.

You know I'm probably the last old dude to still like Metallica, but I do have to say that this last Album is totally suck ass dumb. I really enjoyed there S & M set, but after that they started trying to make new songs and really they don't carry Metallicas style. There trying to be more like the new hit bands and they all suck to.



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Guest FBody Addict

notice i did say before the black album

and if any of you listen to anything that they play on 107.5 or wnci i pity you, you have obviously never heard of good music

no cood music was written after 1990 at all, and for that mattermost of the 80's exept for metallica and a few other true metal bands (danzig, slayer, NOT faggot ass hair bands) music died in 72

about the whole liking icp, that shit is just funny, i never said it had any musical value

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Guest silverbullet
How does Jet sound anything like ACDC? im gonna have to go with steve on this one and say beatles rip off! as for Killswitch..there defintly the best thing getting played on the blitz right now.
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Guest sphen02
Originally posted by Republicant:

Jet does that song cold hard bitch, right? HOW DOES THAT SOUND ANYTHING LIKE THE BEATLES EVER DID?

You obviously have never heard any of jet's other songs.
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Guest sphen02
You should really listen to more ac/dc they really dont sound anything like jet. Listen to jet's first song "are you gonna be my girl" first thing i thought when i heard that song was the beatles. it will be rather hard to convince me other wise. but cold hard bitch does kinda break the formula doesnt change the fact the song sucks. hehe.
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Guest FBody Addict

no one can copy good bands and make it sound good

no band can say we wanted to sound like ac/dc without being booed

same goes for zepplin, the stones, sabbath, metallica, floyd, gnr, etc..


Its just not possible

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