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Fuck disgustingly rich people

Guest FBody Addict

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

Originally posted by The Vette:

[qb]A word to the wise, find small, local companies. Places with under 30 people are generaly better, its nice to be able to interact with the owners on a daily basis.

i agree totally on that.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Conservatives love to prominently display the examples of self-made millionaires, but fail to recognize that, just because it worked for a select few, hard work does not always pay off. Usually when someone uses the word "always" or "never" in broad generalizations such as this, they're full of shit. And of course, some oversimplistic dumbass has to chime in with "go to college." Well folks, the vast majority of college graduates got through with some level of help, whether it be as large as a parent paying full tuition or as small as a friend covering a bill so you can afford gas money to commute. I sure as shit wouldn't be able to even think about going to college if I had rent, utilities, and other bills without the help of several roommates splitting the cost, or living at home. Furthermore, all of you should know that some people, while not necessarily dumb, aren't "book smart." I know people who don't know shit about biology, calculus, or other bullshit who can build an engine that can run for years, assemble products more efficiently than the people who trained them, or implement machine-like attention to detail on an assembly line. However, thanks to "outsourcing" these people have been stripped of a decent, dignified living. People like me don't want to be super rich. All we really want is to be well enough off that we don't have to live in fear of eviction, utility disconnection, or other such problems.
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Originally posted by The Vette:

Look, if you think that you are busting your ass and you are just breakin even you either are in to much debt, or you are not really busting your ass to full potential. Trust me a good worker will not go unseen. A good worker will always be rewarded...

Not always true, I work in the Barnes and Noble Cafe and bust my ass to be the best worker there, I know how to do everything there except for manager stuff because they wont teach you that and the only thing managers say to you is the things that you should be doing or how it's your fault if a new person messes up, it makes me so angry. I need a better job!! :mad:
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Here's what's sad. I bust ass working on everyday POS cars. 45+ every week. Then when I can (if theres a job) I go and put in 24 hours on a weekend doing concrete work and make my entire weeks paycheck in 1 weekend doing concrete stuff. It sucks real bad, especially when most of my money goes towards tools. But I'll keep bustin ass to get my car/tools done until I figure out what I want to do. But you can't judge someone because they are rich. Chances are they had to bust even more ass to get where they are today, people just want to overlook that part though.
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yea i know some people like that. i dont hate them. those who do hate them, in my opinion, hate mostly out of jealousy. I am not pointing fingers or anything, but I know that when i say I hate some one because of a situation like that, I am just mad at myself for not being rich or whatever.
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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Jesus Hates Me, you should have reworded it to "I hate people who were born into disgustingly rich families". I knew a guy like that who was ~30 years old, bagged groceries at kroger, but had two houses and 3 cars because of his parents.

This I will agree with. I cant stand when a young kid has very rich family and gets everything he wants without doin a thing. I am all for helping your family out when you got the money, but not making them work for it is another thing. Here is what I think would help get alot of people to work harder for their money. Get rid of salary. I think everyone should be paid for what time they put in. I guarantee if it was like that, then alot of people would bust their ass alot more. That is the way I have always been brought up and as far as work that is how my job is. Yes my fathers company is just a father son business (its just me and him) but that doesnt mean I get a break on pay. If I dont work a day or wanna take a vacation I dont get paid for it. That makes me wanna go to work bust out as many jobs as possible andget things done asap.
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Originally posted by The Vette:

This I will agree with. I cant stand when a young kid has very rich family and gets everything he wants without doin a thing. I am all for helping your family out when you got the money, but not making them work for it is another thing. Here is what I think would help get alot of people to work harder for their money. Get rid of salary. I think everyone should be paid for what time they put in. I guarantee if it was like that, then alot of people would bust their ass alot more. That is the way I have always been brought up and as far as work that is how my job is. Yes my fathers company is just a father son business (its just me and him) but that doesnt mean I get a break on pay. If I dont work a day or wanna take a vacation I dont get paid for it. That makes me wanna go to work bust out as many jobs as possible andget things done asap.

so you get paid flat rate, or hourly?
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Originally posted by The Vette:

Get rid of salary. I think everyone should be paid for what time they put in. I guarantee if it was like that, then alot of people would bust their ass alot more.

Fuckin A, We'd all get overtime too...oh wait. Consider the cost of OT on an employer. I make 12 an hour, still punchin a clock. Paying me 18 an hour for the 8-10 hours of OT I average a week isnt so bad. But let say my boss who makes 6 figures was still on hourly. He'd make about 48 an hour, but spends more time at work then I do. So, he would be making 72 an hour for 12-15 hours a week. Thats alot of money. Put everyone on hourly and buisnesses wouldnt be able to afford to stay in buisness, especialy small ones like yours. They would either have to cut down productivity, by limiting every one to 40 hours a week, or take a huge hit in payroll.
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Guest FBody Addict

i never said i hated disgustingly rich people, i just said fuck em, who ever called me a commie can eat shit, cause communism does not work.

yes, hard work will get you far, this i know. my grandfathers family was so poor that around thanksgiving one year my grandfathers only toy car dissapeared, and what did he get for christmas? the same car, but a different color.

what happened to the old car? you guessed it. paint


payrolls are indeed fucked up though, a guy on salary can do 20 hours of office work and go play golf, fuck his mistress and do whatever for the other 20 hours but it dont matter as long as he got his paperwork done


meanwhile, some poor sap is doin the hourly wage thing and getting dicked even if hes doin hard labor that will leave him needing all sorts of surgery for his back or whatever, because he gets paid for the hours he's at work

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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:


payrolls are indeed fucked up though, a guy on salary can do 20 hours of office work and go play golf, fuck his mistress and do whatever for the other 20 hours but it dont matter as long as he got his paperwork done


meanwhile, some poor sap is doin the hourly wage thing and getting dicked even if hes doin hard labor that will leave him needing all sorts of surgery for his back or whatever, because he gets paid for the hours he's at work

A college education would fix that problem. The more education you have, the better job you get, with better perks.
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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

who ever called me a commie can eat shit, cause communism does not work.

Read Karl Marx, specificlly the Communist Manifesto. Most people that insult Communism don't understand it.


Hourly, salaried, it all depends on what you do. If your salary is based on an hourly rate for a specific period of time, then it can be to your benefit. I may start a job soon where I get a $50K salary (plus a housing/auto allowance) and only work an average of 12-20 hours a week. Sounds okay to me.


Just to let everyone know, Education != a better job. I have a high school education, and my job is the envy of many, many people on the board. I do agree that if you are unhappy or not making enough money then you are in the wrong job, or not working enough. That's how I got to where I am; I wasn't handed anything. I also didn't waste my time complaining about the assholes that did.

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Guest Ponyfreak

Of all the hundreds of people that i have talked to recently about living in Communist Poland said they enjoyed life quite a bit more when it was Communist. This was due to a multitude of reasons that I do not have time to endulge on. Communism is not evil and would work perfectly if it were not due to the insatiable ability for money to corrupt men in power as well as degrade the work ethic of every worker in the nation.


Differences in work ethic and human nature are the major flaws in Communism, and attributes to a majority of the economic diversity in the US.


If we all busted our ass and gave it our all, we could all be moderatly wealthy.


I am not jealous of you ELi. You know that. But if you worked for me you know what the outcome would be.

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Guest FBody Addict

i am getting a colledge education, but im gonna end up with an hourly wage job anyway

college education does not equal salary position


my girlfriend has a teaching certificate and a degree in early childhood development and she's only on an hourly wage


i dont like communism because i know it does not work due to human greed

it is not fair that some guy who half asses his job gets paid the same as a guy who busts his ass, say they both put the heads on yugo engines, one guy makes sure the bolts are torqued correctly, and the other guy doesnt do it right, ending up in cracked block after cracked block (hypothetical situation, i know that a head installed incorrectly wont crack the block unless really poorly installed) in america the guy who fucks up would be fired, (unless he's black, asian, gay, indian.... whatever because that would be discrimination), but under communism, he gets to sit there and fuck up over and over and over

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

Fuckin A, We'd all get overtime too...oh wait. Consider the cost of OT on an employer. I make 12 an hour, still punchin a clock. Paying me 18 an hour for the 8-10 hours of OT I average a week isnt so bad. But let say my boss who makes 6 figures was still on hourly. He'd make about 48 an hour, but spends more time at work then I do. So, he would be making 72 an hour for 12-15 hours a week. Thats alot of money. Put everyone on hourly and buisnesses wouldnt be able to afford to stay in buisness, especialy small ones like yours. They would either have to cut down productivity, by limiting every one to 40 hours a week, or take a huge hit in payroll.

Yes this is also something that would come into affect. But realize this, if everyone was giving 110% business could cut down on workers thus the payroll wouldnt be as large. I have been hourly ever since I worked with my paps and anyone else that has worked for him was hourly too. It has seemed to work out so far...
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Originally posted by Mensan:

It doesn't take a degree for me to know more than you. You can get the same education with a library card.

You may think that. Just so you know, I don't envy your job. You said you make 50k per year, and many people on the board envy your job. I don't.
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Originally posted by The Vette:

But realize this, if everyone was giving 110% business could cut down on workers...

This is America, you'd be lucky to get 70% graemlins/thumb.gif

Furthermore, cutting down on workers isn't a good thing, from a national standpoint. The "health" of a nation is measured buy the prosperity of its citizens, not its elite or its corporations. Unemployment would skyrocket if everyone that was lucky enough to have a job actually gave 100%. Nations/states/areas that actually have a low rate of unemployment also have lower profit margins. Its tougher on the business owners, sure, but its better for "the greater good". You'll find that in a society as openly and proudly capitalist society as ours, there's no shame in forsaking to working class in the name of better profits for yourselves and your investors.

Rock > us <hardplace

Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

i never said i hated disgustingly rich people, i just said fuck em

so, you want to fuck rich people?

Communism will never work for the same reason that capitalism is the bane of society. The fundamental flaw of both is that it relies on human beings, and they suck. One penalizes human nature, and the other grossly rewards it. You cant penalize it, its nature, therefore it will work its way out. The more you repress it, the stronger it will burst forth. You cant reward it either, because that creates a self indulgent society. And in that society, you end up with something like the USA, 3% of the people control 50% of the wealth (or something along those lines). Solution? It doesn't lie in policy, laws, or political doctrine, it lies in the raising of children. Kids grow up thinking its all right to just be "lookin out for number 1", and that forsaking other for your own gain is ok. It never starts like that, it begins, innocently enough, with teaching kids self preservation. But over the years, it grown into something more selfish. You start with an innocent kid, and end up with a Kenneth Lay.

Is there something wrong with teaching the young'ns empathy?


Lastly, there is alot I know that comes solely from self education, reading big books with no pictures. BUT, take for instance my knowledge of psychology. I may know alot, but I will never get a job in the field because I lack the piece of paper that says I do. Its BS, but a lot of the best jobs require you to be accredited in some way.

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Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:

You may think that. Just so you know, I don't envy your job. You said you make 50k per year, and many people on the board envy your job. I don't.

Wrong. I said I may start a job where I am paid 50k to work 12-20 hours a week. The job also pays housing and auto allowances, as well as quarterly bonuses. All things considered, it would be around 70-80 per year, to start. I never said how much I make now. I don't give a rats ass if you envy my job or not. I also didn't post what I do, or why people would like to have my job. But good job on making assumptions based on very little fact. Bitter much?
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Originally posted by The Vette:

That is the excate reason we dont hire anyone. It makes us more mad to watch someone do half ass work then any at all.

how about guys that half ass, then make demands reguarding their employment? "I've been here X-long, I deserve a raise" or "I deserve that promotion". No, you dont, you dont even deserve what you make.
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Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:

Umm, yes it is. Even you don't get a degree, the more you know, the better off you will be. The harder you work, the better off you will be.

I didn't know that you had to go to college to get common sense :confused:

A degree is nothing more than a piece of paper/ something to put on a resume. Taking nothing away from those who have a degree, but if you can't do a good job at what your doing vs. someone w/o a degree who does better work than you in the same or equal field, then guess what? Your out of a job w/ your college degree. Happens everyday.

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Don't get me started on who makes what they deserve. Being in the military I see my fair share of lazy people. Some are guys that are the same pay grade as me and do half as much work. Those guys piss me off the most. The others are the higher ups that don't do a thing but walk around and sip on their coffee mugs all day and are told by other higher ups they are that rank by mistake or could test well enough to make that rank. But I guess that is how it goes and I can't change it a bit. Hopefully one day I can get my degree and recieve my commission, until then I will live with it being just the way things are.
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