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High Risk


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Good ol' Orion, An idiot of the first rank and the poster child of village idiots everywhere and the only man to ever manage to get his tongue stuck to the inside of a freezer while cleaning a cooker, displayed his impressive ability to say incredibly stupid things as soon as he learned to speak. Through constant practice coupled with natural talent, he has perfected the craft of saying stupid things to the level of an art form that only botched lobotomy patients and those suffering from gangrene of the brain stem can come close to equalling.I fail to comprehend how you can continue to screw with me or even function on any level with an IQ that is three degrees below whale sperm.


Because I think that is an underachievement-


Professional Ownage.



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It'd be cool if anything that Tommy had said was anything but big words poorly strung together, or if they had any SEMBLANCE of truth in them. Telling the most articulate poster on the board (save Eli, and he's the president of mensa) that the shit he says is stupid or worthless isn't the best way to dethrone the chef of the kitchen. Whenever you can come up with some real beef to throw at anyone on here, feel free to come back and give it another try. Until then, go drive your daddy's car and spend his money, you uneducated, ugly ass, needle-dicked daddy's boy. :eek:




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high risk, if you dont quit pasting stuff that other people have written in this here match, your going to spend most of your time going down like the ho that you are.


i guess i should give you props for even showing up and taking a shot at it, but its really difficult for me to show any kind of love to someone who is in high school, yet is constantly wiping drool off of his chin. i have a feeling that the best part of your bus drivers day is after he drops you off, and then has to go back and clean up your seat. hell never forget the time you managed to squirm out of your pull ups.


ive never been to your house, but i have a feeling i know what your room looks like. lots of bright colors, with simple shapes all over the place. if youre parents are smart, which they most assuredly cant be if they didnt drown you at birth, they will have put plexiglass on the walls up to about 5 ft, so you can finger paint on them, and your crayon drawings are easily washed away. these are all guesses, but i am positive of one thing, your bed crinkles like plastic when you jump on it. the fact that your name is tommy is icing on the cake, rugrat. a few questions...


if you ever did manage to get a girl to come over and watch a movie with you, what would you watch? tele tubbies? or one of your bob the builder tapes?


do you think your collections of belly button lint and sippy cups are impressive?


do you think you could swim with a large boulder tied to your ankle? (purely for informational purposes)


i dont think weve met, but if we ever do, i imagine my reaction will be like just about everyone else on this board. something akin to pointing and laughing, or maybe ill just say "daaaaayyyyuuuuummmmmm......." and bite my knuckles.

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Jarred that was pretty weak, I know you can do better than that..

dude, i know that YOU, of all people, are not criticizing my skills. after you folded like starr jones in a lawn chair when republicant layed into you? please. your opinion is worth about as much to me as solar powered flashlight. get back in your hole, troglodyte.
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Guest FBody Addict

funny shit, aint laughed like that since me and republicant got into it a few weeks ago posting back and forth one night when i was drunk as shit and went back and read what i had posted once i sobered up, yes republicant, i know that shit was weak, you dont have to remind me


yes i am formally known as wickedpyroclown if anyone hadn't noticed


otherwise graemlins/popcorn.gif

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republicant: pussy ass bitch who challanges me to a drinking competition then never follows through. oh, and owes me $20!!!!


high risk: what the fuck dude? just go to english class please. while you're at it, hit puberty. every post of your's i read i can just imagine your squeeky voice cracking. how old are you? fourteen?


orion: you are the poster child of the dirty sanchez, not the village idiot.


supraglue: i bet your used to opening your mouth that wide.


jesus hates me: no son, everyone hates you.


ricochet: your girl has some huge titties!!!


stealthmonkey: you're still here?

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Guest marcopolo
Originally posted by Orion:

created this little thread just for me and you.


ill even let you bat first.



*waiting graemlins/popcorn.gif

Sounds like a homo sexual confrontation, I thought black guys only banged white men in prison.
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why chris, you lookin for a date?


as gay as most of the tools around here are, the last thing we need is someone like you rollerblading around in a skirt and thigh highs and making john and ben all wild with hormones. theyre hard enough to control anyways.


to address your question, i cant speak for every black man, but i dont discriminate. anyone unfortunate enough to be locked in a cell with me had better enjoy the taste of ass with syrup, cause hell be tossin my salad. which reminds me, chris, youre about do for a protein shake yourself. now, get on your fuckin knees, bitch......



theres a difference between being a fag, and makin other people your bitch. you, my girl, are a fag, and i have made you my bitch. its almost too bad that youre banned and wont be able to read this.....



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Originally posted by Orion:

anyone unfortunate enough to be locked in a cell with me had better enjoy the taste of ass with syrup, cause hell be tossin my salad. which reminds me, chris, youre about do for a protein shake yourself. now, get on your fuckin knees, bitch......

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