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El Karacho1647545492

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GOD I can't stand me anymore! I'm always pulling stupid shit out of nowhere and making my life so difficult. Whenever I start bitching I just want to slap myself. Sometimes, I'll be trying to get to sleep and I'll be snoring so loud I have to get out of bed and sleep on the couch just to get some peace and quiet away from myself. I'm just so obnoxious sometimes too. I'll come home from work on some days and just need to relax and have an hour to myself, but there I am, always nagging about this and that. Its like I'm an inseparable part of me or something. And when I'm driving on long road trips I'll just want to relax while I'm driving and listen to some DMB or Sublime or Roots, but I always change the stupid CD to Lil Jon or the Ying Yang Twins or something that just gets me anxious and annoying. And then there's the backseat driving. I am a pretty good navigator, but whenever we're both in the car, I have to block out all those stupid driving tips and annoying directions I give myself. I'm so sick of living with me, I think I'm gonna move out.




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BLUE, you are the worst poster I've ever encountered. You come here, start shit, then back down and pussy out. Now you're trying to raise your post count with "??????????" posts and picking on dumbasses like me. I'd rather post some stupid shit that entertains people a little than just come in with a beef with everyone, then just post and not contribute ANYTHING to the forum.



No I'm kidding. I just like being a huge douche (turd sandwich) and posting ridiculous mathematical impossibilities. At least you're making some fun $500 bets now.

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