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Must be something in the water at firestone

old dirty bastard

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Its seems there head hunting my old ass one wanted to cap my old ass but we will leave that one alone because its old news But now another one decide to drive like a maniac and almost hit my car in front of Jegs Saturday night to you my friend what the fuck were thinking riding my ass did you noticed you pissed me off pretty bad before you made that right turn to get away please feel free and chime in I would love to know what the fuck you were thinking
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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

Its seems there head hunting my old ass one wanted to cap my old ass but we will leave that one alone because its old news But now another one decide to drive like a maniac and almost hit my car in front of Jegs Saturday night to you my friend what the fuck were thinking riding my ass did you noticed you pissed me off pretty bad before you made that right turn to get away please feel free and chime in I would love to know what the fuck you were thinking

Periods would help.
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I thought that was you TJ... nothing in the water at firestone, and I wasnt on your ass until you decided to slow down for no reason.. Were you gonna turn? I'm sorry but I cant read minds while driving behind someone...anyways, I figured it was driver's error I've forgotten to use signals at times too. no hard feelings here.if its any consolation I wouldnt have acted like a hard ass If i knew it was someone from CR..your mustang looks too stock
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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

Its seems there head hunting my old ass. One wanted to cap my old ass, but we will leave that one alone because it's old news. But, now another one decided to drive like a maniac and almost hit my car in front of Jegs Saturday night. To you, my friend, what the fuck were thinking riding my ass? Did you notice you pissed me off pretty bad before you made that right turn to get away? Please feel free and chime in, I would love to know what the fuck you were thinking.

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Originally posted by TurboRust:

I thought that was you TJ... nothing in the water at firestone, and I wasnt on your ass until you decided to slow down for no reason.. Were you gonna turn? I'm sorry but I cant read minds while driving behind someone...anyways, I figured it was driver's error I've forgotten to use signals at times too. no hard feelings here.if its any consolation I wouldnt have acted like a hard ass If i knew it was someone from CR..your mustang looks too stock

At first I didnt know who the hell was riding my ass so close I couldnt see there headlights.I had no intention of pulling into Jegs(so no driver error here) so that was the reason I dint have my turn signals on the only reason I did turn into Jegs was to let the asshole riding my ass ahead of me so I could find out what his problem was If I was driving to slow they do make this thing called a passing lane and if I not mistaken I think E. Main st. has one you should try using it instead of the Aggressive horn honking/ass riding driving you probably cant back up.Oh yeah here some periods for your anal asses ................................................................................... keep the change
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I didnt know a loud horn honk meant "hey man, lets throw down", anyways I apologize for incoveniencing your night, sorry to hear someone wanted to cap your ass.. maybe you should be a little more angry at them
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