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Dieting people who cant control their urges *rant*


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The PM I sent him, Plus a lil more.


I dont have anything written out. Most of what DJ has learned has been during our workouts straight from my mouth. Ill give you the general idea though.


The whole Idea is to increase your over all metabolism rather than just creating a daily caloric deficit. I believe in creating healthy lifestyles.


Step one: Lift heavy shit. As heavy as you can using as many major muscles as possible. Squats, Deadlifts, Bench press, Rows, etc. 3-4 sets each excercise, 10 reps down to 4 by the last set. Heavy. Screw the focused individual muscle groups that kids work on all the time. If you have an inch layer of fat on your arms, a quarter inch more bicep wont make a difference. I do a 4 day split. Chest Day, Leg Day, Back day, and Shoulder/Cardio day. I don’t do a lot of cardio, it isn’t that important in losing weight. No joke. All you are doing by rolling on the hamster wheel is scavenging muscle mass. Doing a High Intensity Interval Training program is better for increasing over all metabolism and has a much more lasting impact on your metabolic rate. That is, 30 seconds of 80-90% of your maximum heart rate followed by 30 seconds at a much lower pace. Work your way up to 15 minutes of this and I will be able to smell the testosterone on you.


Step two: Eat clean. 1-1.5g protein per pound of body weight. Eat 10-20% less than your maintenance caloric expenditure. If you don’t know how to calculate that, I can give you the formula. Fill in the rest of the non-protein calories with good foods, fat or carbs, it doesnt matter. A calorie is a calorie but simple sugars will make you hungry faster and make it hard on your brain. Spread your meals out to 6 a day. Yes 6 and no less. If you want to speed up your metabolism, you have to make your body never resort to starvation mode. Use www.fitday.com to keep a general idea of your caloric intake.


Step three: Supplement. Take a fish oil supplement to fight cortisol aka the chemical that makes men store fat in their bellies. Take a protein supplement if you must. Take a daily vitamin to increase your overall health. www.1fast400.com for all your drug needs. If you want to get hardcore and have a strong heart, I have a few stacks that will boost your metabolism 100x.


Step four: Stop making excuses.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

"Toning" aka high reps is an ineffective strategy preached by fitness instructors and video makers who thrive on perpetuating false myths in sustaining a market. The "Tone" look has nothing to do with fast twitch muscle fibers and everything to do with low body fat. The physiological advantage as well as the duration of impact on metabolic rate of heavy lifting over the high rep shit is undeniable in the "Those who know" circle.


Oh, you want to lose weight? Lift heavy. Oh, you want to get big? Lift heavy. If you are doing low weight, high rep bullshit you are wasting your time.

true story, fast twitch muscle is alaways more "tone" then slow twitch, simple muscle fiber basics. And off course low body fat means more defination, but those kenyans that run out in the desert certainly do not look the same as the nigerians who are sprinting through the jungle. ( two extremely differnt muscle fiber make ups.


As for higher reps, typically when you do higher reps you go at a faster pace, increasing heart heart, and output, buring more calories. Lifting weights make you build muscle, muscle is mass, and mass is weight so if your going to lift heavy, your going to have to do an equal amount of cardo to loose weight, i see plenty of chunks in the gym, guys are huge, but since all they do is lift heavy they dont seem to loose the weight.

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Because you cant lose weight AND gain muscle at the same time*.


You must create a caloric deficit to do so. The lifiting heavy shit is to tell your body that you still need that muscle mass and not to scavenge it. The fat suckers either dont care about being cut, or think they can eat whatever they want if they lift weights.


*It is possible when one first starts lifting or if a very specific hormonal balance is achieved. How do you achieve that? With androgenics. ;)

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Because you cant lose weight AND gain muscle at the same time*.


You must create a caloric deficit to do so. The lifiting heavy shit is to tell your body that you still need that muscle mass and not to scavenge it. The fat suckers either dont care about being cut, or think they can eat whatever they want if they lift weights.


*It is possible when one first starts lifting or if a very specific hormonal balance is achieved. How do you achieve that? With androgenics. ;)

I am glad i can banter with someone who knows, ala excersizes. And to your last post ken, touche


and dj its all about the endorphins man

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Cardio doesnt make you lose weight. Myth number 103578329. Cardio just makes you increase the amount of calories you burn so that it forces you closer to a caloric deficit.


Lifiting heavy shit has a much more sustained Physiological impact on your overall metabolic rate.

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Originally posted by B:

your right ken but dont tell people cario dosent make them loose weight in that manner. Becasue running, biking swiming combiend with a proper diet will result in weight loss for certain

The point is, you could sit on your couch all day and as long as you are burning more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. Why not invest your time in the activity that has the most sustained psysological impact? Cardio is good for your heart. Lifting heavy shit is good for your wasteline. Counter intuitive? Yes. Absolute fact? Yes.
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I'm not sure I agree with everything that's being said. It seems like everyone is tearing apart cardio like it's not useful for losing weight. I've never seen a fat runner or swimmer and they do no heavy weight training. Towards the end high school I had a VERY low body fat percentage, weighed 125lbs, had a 28" waist, could do as many pushups as I wanted (Kilbore football player challanged me at that and lost and he was even calling up and down), ran 2 miles in 12:45, swam 50m in 23-24 seconds and I had never set foot in a wieght room. (I'm 5'9" BTW)


I see lifting and cardio as means to different ends. If you want to lose weight and increase your endurance, do cardio. If you want to lose fat and build muscle mass, lift heavy shit. Don't get me wrong, I think they're both good workouts, but I also don't think you can call one better then the other.


I've just started trying to get back to shape. Now I weigh 150 lbs and I'm tired after I run one mile. I was measured at 10% body fat before I started working out and I hadn't done anything other then intermural sports in 4 years. My goal is to be able to move around as much as I want and not get tired while getting more tone, so I'm doing mostly cardio with lots of pushups, crunches and free weights.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

The point is, you could sit on your couch all day and as long as you are burning more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. Why not invest your time in the activity that has the most sustained psysological impact? Cardio is good for your heart. Lifting heavy shit is good for your wasteline. Counter intuitive? Yes. Absolute fact? Yes.

Your right all it comes down to is inputs, and outputs, and cario boosts output as does lifting weights, then all you have to do is lower you intake ie input and ala loosing weight. But you seem to make cario out to be worthless, which i believe is more important then weight lifting. And lifting weights uses complety differnet muscles in your heart and it lowers heart heart i do believe, becasue you have to pump more blood to damaged muscle cells.
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Cardio is far from worthless It works to burn calories. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose fat. Time is a limiting reagent. The greatest sustained physiological impact, meaning the impact is 3 times longer on your metabolic rate, is in lifting heavy shit. If you want to have the greatest sustained impact on your metabolism thereby increasing the rate at which your body burns calories all the time, you will lift heavy shit and eat clean.


The only time cardio is more important is if you plan to strengthen your cardio vascular system as well. Obviously for the overall picture of health, this is a nice thing to pay attention to; however, if we are talking strictly numbers, it is not the best way to lose weight.

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Ok, I read over it again and I think the most important thing is getting overlooked.


Your gut is not going to depart very quickly from what you do in the gym. "Abs are made in the kitchen". That's true if you’re looking to lose 10lbs or 100lbs.


The goal is to create a caloric deficit. In doing so your body is inevitably going to scavenge muscle mass with the fat. In addition to boosting your overall metabolism, lifting ensures that you lose as little muscle as possible by convincing your body that you still need them.


Obviously the BEST scenario is one that involves a system of Lifting AND Low intensity Cardio mixed with High intensity interval training.


DJ doesnt know it yet, but next week the above phase starts.


Additionally: These strategies dont apply to the female population. While lifting can help them as well, maintaining muscle mass is usually much less of a priority. Diet and interval training are more important.

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To many big words and confusing terms. What should I change in this?


I just started working out, mainly to keep my mind off things and get in a little better shape. I am 5'9 185-188 and if I lost 5lbs in fat I would probably look like a monster. In about two weeks, maybe 1 1/2 I went from being able to bench about 100lbs 3-5times barely able to lift more. To being able to lift 130 in a few sets of 10 and 150 in a few sets of 3-5's.


Mostly I am squatting, benching, curling, and doing crunches. I'll get plenty of running in now that its warming up and we play basketball 4-6 hours a day on a good day.


Given all the bullshit I have been through over the past however long. I have been eating alot less. Maybe like 1 meal when I wake up and thats it. Normally a small meal as well.(Not good I know.)But I have plenty of energy throughout the day...


And an obverservation. Mallard, I think what he was trying to say is. Sure you can run all day and just do cardio but you will end up being just like you said. 5'9 125lbs. While you have a small fat percentage you also have no muscle what so ever. 5'9 125lbs is like an anorexict weight. If your doing heavy weight lifting in place of heavy cardio, instead of just burning your fat and muslce, you will burn the fat and build muscle. Or more-so replace the fat with muscle. So instead of becoming scronny but in shape, you will be built and in shape??


What gym do you guys goto I could use a trainer ;) . Also, I am probably going to start taking boxing, or Jeet kun do/muay thai in my spare time once I find out what hours I am going to have free.

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Originally posted by Rane:

And an obverservation. Mallard, I think what he was trying to say is. Sure you can run all day and just do cardio but you will end up being just like you said. 5'9 125lbs. While you have a small fat percentage you also have no muscle what so ever. 5'9 125lbs is like an anorexict weight. If your doing heavy weight lifting in place of heavy cardio, instead of just burning your fat and muslce, you will burn the fat and build muscle. Or more-so replace the fat with muscle. So instead of becoming scronny but in shape, you will be built and in shape??

By no means did I have no muscle mass. No I could not bench a massive amount of wieght, but I was strong. As I said, a Kilborne football player was talking shit about swimmers being pussy's, so I challanged him to see who could do more push-ups and I let him call ups and downs. He lost just over 120 while I wasn't even straining.


Right now I want to stay around my 150 lb weight but get back my endurance and have a strong upper body. That's why I'm doing free-weights, but I'm not trying to lift tons of weight.


My point was that you can do cardio workouts and be in better shape. You can still be strong and cut with a cardio-type workout (read: not just lifting heavy shit) and you'll be in better health. Losing weight and being healthy are not the same thing necessarily.


To prove I did not look anorexic I'll did up a pic of myself from senior year sometime this weekend.

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700lb leg press is not much. I just pressed that 2 nights ago, and was the first time Ive lifted legs in the longest time. 7x.


When people are leg pressing over 2000lbs these days, the chump weight we do of 700lbs to 1000lbs seems like childs play.

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Here is my current workout..

mon - chest

tues - bi's

wed - tri's

thurs - shoulders

fri - back

sat - legs



I workout each part to failure and try to lift as heavy as possible on every exercise. Also, I mix up different exercises every week. Might do a super set, tri-set, or just pyramids. Right now, my problem is my diet. I get my carbs from grains, wheat, oats, etc and my protein comes from tuna, egg whites and chicken, BUT when it comes to candy, I can't turn it down. smile.gif I know I am hindering my muscle mass by all the cardio I do but if not, I put on mad weight from my bad genetics and sugar craving. I do interval running which isn't too bad. I start at 5mph for a 1/4 mile, then go up to 6 for the next 1/4.. then back down to 5, then back up to 6.5. I do this every 1/4 mile for 4 miles so the last mile is at 9 and 9.5 but the slow down to 5 gives you a nice recovery time. I do this about 5-6 days a week so I might try to cut this down to 3 days and see what happens.

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