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MadMalibu and I.......

Guest 420GSXR1000

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Guest 420GSXR1000

i figured we could discuss in here instead of screwing with the other threads....keep in mind im combining comments made in BOTH threads..


1. DID YOU CALL ME OLD?????? screw you!!! j/k man, just playing, i do have a prob with getting old though.... :( lol.... i have respect for all, i believe in a previous post i said i judged all PPL/COPS on a per/basis level, shit the 2 cops i partied with (yes they knew i smoked) in Lake Cumberland KY, were cool as hell!!!!and even they said there are allot of dickhead cops


2. Take advice off the www??? hell no man, thats why i thought the derogatory statement in the kitchen was allowed against a PROFFESION


3. race=proffesion??? i dont think so, BIG diff IMO, also IMO ok to crack on proffesion but not race....FUCK CIVIL ENGINEERS!!!!! (i hate me!!!)lol, its gotta be ok if its me right?


4. use common sense.... i have been, this is a difference of opinion on definition of terms i believe


lets have fun, shall we?? graemlins/popcorn.gif

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1. Yes, I called you old. To me, you are tongue.gif . I’m not arguing that some cops are dickheads. Derogatory blanket statements about cops are not going to be tolerated. End of story.


2. That's my point...Clark was fucking around...being a smartass. He wasn’t serious. Derogatory generalizations are not allowed. Like I said before, if one particular person wrongs you, you have the right to say what you will about them. Just keep it to who actually wronged you.


3. No, race does not mean the same thing as profession. But, they are similar, and you can still be prejudice towards a certain profession; hell, you can be prejudice towards just about anything.


4. If you want to say that it's a difference of opinion, that's fine. My opinion is the same as the other people that run this board, therefore it's better than yours tongue.gifsmile.gif Just don't do it anymore and there shouldn’t be anymore problems.


Now, to having fun, bikes are for people who can’t make cars fast. And you're a squid. And a stupid pothead waste of space / drain on society. Douche bag tongue.gif


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Now, to having fun, bikes are for people who can’t make cars fast. And you're a squid. And a stupid pothead waste of space / drain on society. Douche bag tongue.gif

Weren't you considering getting a bike, I am told a Buel? Would that be a direct effect of your car sitting in Anthony's garage with a "blown motor?"


Out of the times I have ridden with Steve, I havn't seen him do anything squid like. How can you even call someone a squid when you don't have a bike yourslef? Thats like laughing at riceboys when you don't even have a car.

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Originally posted by Crash:

Weren't you considering getting a bike, I am told a Buel? Would that be a direct effect of your car sitting in Anthony's garage with a "blown motor?"


Out of the times I have ridden with Steve, I havn't seen him do anything squid like. How can you even call someone a squid when you don't have a bike yourslef? Thats like laughing at riceboys when you don't even have a car.

Ben, did you miss the part where I said "Now to having fun" and the tongue.gif ? Chill out.


Oh, I still am thinking about getting a bike. No, it has nothing to due with my car being down. If that were the case, I wouldnt be getting another sports car would I?


You dont need to get all jumpy... Sheesh :rolleyes:


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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by Lustalbert:

Would you two like a room so you can have makeup sex?

smile.gifgraemlins/leghump.gif wanna join???


MadBU.......awwwwww shit, fuck it.... graemlins/nutkick.gif:D


hey ,arent gays a group too, arent we offending with gay comments/smileys??..just had to throw that into it, i was thinking about it @ lunch..


and as fer

Originally posted by MadMalibu:


Now, to having fun, bikes are for people who can’t make cars fast. And you're a squid. And a stupid pothead waste of space / drain on society. Douche bag


who cares about goin fast, any fool can do that, but cuttin slow circle wheelies, now thats skill damnit......oh yea....and



i love emotioncons HAVE PHUN

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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by Buck531:

My balls itch..

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Guest 420GSXR1000
Originally posted by Orion:

this thread sucks.

yea....got outta hand even when it was in another persons thread

graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/supergay2.gif ...its more like 2 egos going @ it tongue.gif .....oh yea...im right and your wrong tongue.gif

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