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Guest Rane

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Guest Rane

The other kid with the weird as shirt on that got into it with you guys after us I dont know who he was. So don't pin that on me.


Also, I believe we have it on tape so keep telling yourself the story. Its a parking lot prepare to be parked next to. The kid wasn't any where near the mustang and the fat bitch (I am guessing thats you?) wasn't anywhere near the scene when this happened. She appeared shortly after the fag with the yellow mustang pushed my friend.


No one was messing with anyones car he was parking in a space grow up. Then mr. I am better then everyone else started the shit talking. And I'm sure everyone here knows the type of person he is I remember him starting shit with a cop who asked us to leave hooters one time. That guys a fag straight up. We have some or most of it on video so no point in telling me I am wrong.

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Guest Rane

Ok the guy with the cock1 is the guy who first initiated any type of physical contact true or false? True, its obvious all he wanted and has wanted to do at every meet I've seen him actually be social at is talk shit to everyone and try to get them all to be afraid of him. The kid who said whatever to security I don't know.


I know the kid that mr.perfect here pushed chocked combination of the two whatever you wanna call it. Its funny how after he talked so much shit pushed someone wich escalated the situation he turned into such a bitch when my friend was offering a fight.


I'll tell you straight up right now, were not calling the cops so feel free to swing away on me or anyone I know. I'm not that bitch made to call a cops over a parking space and or a fight that I want to see happen.


Next time you guys come to a meet that I am at, I could give two fucks if you park sideways I should park as close to you as I can. Everyone knows this andy guy is a fucking tool bag its nothing new. Its on camera I believe neon killer has it ask him to post what he got.


Or, next time we all come to a meet we'll ask the 80 other people besides you and the holy mach1 owner what they saw because its pretty damn apparent that most of them A. were on our side and B. wanted to see the rest of that guys hair get knocked off his head.


I actually laughed my ass off when a girl we were with said. "Tell that fat bitch to go back to the south beach diet." highlight of my night right there.


Next time try saying. "Hey don't park here please, or I'm not comfertable with other people parking in the space next to me because my car is so rare and special. We don't sit on them or anything."(I guess leaning up against them to talk more shit to some other kid is different.)


But I'm sure that will get a better response then. "Hey you fucking punk don't park here."


And your right I didn't mean to say fat girl I meant to say fat bitch :( my bad for toning it down. A few months untill omg u r teh copz?! I like mostly how you say "Its illegal for him to come within 3 inches of you." then you call the cops when andy or whomever assaults a 17 year old for asking why his car is so special no one can park next to it.


Or, we can always settle this with a 40 roll once my car is done?? Preferably for atleast a tank of race gas. So whats that $100? I'sn't your car sposed to be fast? I am offering this up to you in your "Bad ass gt." or your buddy in the "12 second mach1" I'm assuming your car is faster so...Let me know if you wanna do this in a few weeks.


You don't want no drama, drama woof.

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So watch it again! First off your so mature by calling me a fat bitch. Grow up baby! Then second Ya its a parking lot so what.. if someone asks you to not park next to them then be mature enough not too. Also how Andy is has nothing to do with it. I saw the whole thing happen along with a shit load of other adults.. not little kids like you.


Wheres your comment on your little bitch friend who wouldnt leave Andy alone.. or all your stupid friends who kept egging shit on with him AFTER He told you many times to leave him alone, then the security officer who told your friends to stop and they still didnt listen.. what about all that?


Andy said the only time he touched anyone was then your friend with the P didy hat decided to get in his face and Andy pushed him away from his face. Which if that would have been me your friend would have been blasted in the face if he would have touched me.. Your really lucky I will tell ya that. BTW If you have so much to say about Andy why dont you dispute your problems with him directly .. other than that keep your mouth shut.


MOST INTERESTING THING THOUGH: If he hit or touched your friend in a away like that WHY on earth didnt you report it to the officer.. Because it never happend. So grow up and quit bitching about you and your stupid ghetto ass friend being little bitches in a parking lot and respect other peoples property if they ask you to not park within 12 inches of there cars.


Also.. your friend told Andy that he didnt care about his car and didnt give a fuck if he smashed his door in Andys car so yeah I wonder why he asked him to not park close cause people can tell who are the "type of person who ruins other peoples shit" and who respectful people are. Which you and your friends are the type who could give a shit less.

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You are a fucking joke and if your girls are so fucking bad.. then why didnt there little hoe bag ass walk up and say something cause there FUCKING BITCHES JUST LIKE YOU!


Fuck off and eat shit. Get your stories straight and go change your panties and whine about something that matters.. Feel free to say something to my face when I come out on the 30th if you have so much to say. You little punk.

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Guest Rane

Your trippin bitch. But I'm sure all this typing is more exercise then you normally get so its all good. We got it on camera talk what you you want I'll see if Shanton can post it up.


$100 sound good 40 roll?? If your really a hardcore leet racer you'll probably tell me dig only not that I like burning through 1,800 clutches but if your only gonna accept a dig race that works too.


If I knew the guys sn, or his phone number I would take it up with him personally?


Lololol you were going to punch someone.


I am either in the Jag expo or 300 feel free to park next to me anytime you'd like as close as you'd like. And or just spark a conversation.

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Trippin?? Ok DAWG.. Ya need me to speak ghetto so you understand homey?


Meet me at the track! Ill be more than happy. Im not fucking up my career for your ghetto ass.


Dude btw Im not fat, and get a new downgrade because the fat people comments are really funny and really gay!


QWK90GT is my b/f with the black mach1 and Andy isnt on here.. I mean You really need 3 cars to kick your ass?

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Guest Rane

Thats fine with me, bring all 3 we'll go 4 wide sometimes. Well I guess your four wide all the time.


No no, let me stop before someone actually catches feelings.


All in all this is getting to childish for even me to handle. And I spam all the OSU post with go blue and stuff during that time of the year so its hard to get to childish for me.


I know andy races for money I've seen him do it and I've seen him street race plenty. Not only do I not wanna goto the track because I don't wanna buy various things you need so you don't get kicked out. I also don't wanna drive all the way there.


So here's the plan, my real beef is with the yellow and black mach 1 tell him to race me for $100 winner can park where the fuck they want when they want. If he wins I'll park across the street from now on as a side bet.


The black mach1 can join the race and or race afterwards for another 100. Give me atleast a month from now though just to be safe smile.gif .


Other then that lets drop the bs. Wanna race we'll race. Wanna start a fight next time you see us be my guest. Untill then I've had my fun button pushing. No more pulling cars out of the woodwork to race me. I wanted you or the yellow mach1 but I'll also accept the black one.

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Andy runs his mouth and has gotten himself in more than his fair share of shit. It'll keep happening, this is nothing new.


The bullshit you two are discussing is the type of stuff that gets us kicked outta places. Remember that next time you wanna get into a pissing match and start hauling in "the Man" to take care of it.


Now go back to bashing each other smile.gif

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The black Mach 1 owner will be positing later today. I will ask Andy if I talk to him again, as I think hes still banned for his mouth on here.


Anyways I would be MORE than happy to take ya up on your offer. Its ok you dont wanna dig race I mean that would take skill.. but Ill be forgiving and go from a roll since your gay and rolls are gay so that kinda equals out..


Ill pm you when my car is finished at the machine shop and we can get this done. $100.00 bucks is good for me!


BTW It aint your parking lot so fuck off.

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You wanna race me for $100 hows tonight sound? I don't have first gear and I will be more then happy to take your money. Or if you want to race in a month I'll have my 90 out by then and we can roll for a $100 then dig for a $100.
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Guest Rane

I was agree'ing that I Can't launch for shit. Tonight sounds bad unless you wanna race my expidition since my car is broke and getting a motor rebuild.


Then I'll be out running around mostly stock ;) . I'll pm you guys once I'm in running order.

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Rane you really show your age in this thread. Saying your gonna park by us again just to piss us off, who's the child here. Oh, if you have that whole situation on tape from the start of it that means you had it planned the whole time. I heard somebody say "that's the guy with the red mustang" or something along those lines when we first pulled up.


I don't see how Andy bitched out for not fighting he smart enough not to hit a 17 yr old. Everyone's jumping his case because he cares about his car and doesn't like people around it. Cops said it was fine to take up two spots so we'll continue to do so.

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Guest Rane

Well, I don't feel like repeating myself and starting this again.



Jag vs Taurus :-p?? j/k


Lets save the fun for when both our cars are out. I'd feel bad racing the mac1 if the gt is faster so hopefully its done by then.

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Guest Rane

His, I don't wanna race his slower car for money thats not very fair of me.


I mean after all with my exhaust ecu and 500 sports I'm good for what mid 13's ;);)

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Originally posted by MSTR-TRQ:

Can someone post some cliffs for this thread. There is way to much to read.

you're a no talent bitch because you like to race from a 40 roll per amy


rane is gay


amy's fat


rane is immature


amy's fat


rane likes the cock


andy talks alot of shit


rane has a slow car


sonny is mean


rane needs smacked with a dick


amy needs smacked with a dick


andy needs smacked with a dick


anthony needs smacked with a dick


sonny needs smacked with a dick


amy's a fat bitch



that's about all i've gotten out of this so far... this is why i don't come out much anymore. these meets have become nothing but immature drama. all this bickering, and for what? amy, did your tits get bigger? rane, do you feel your balls have been enlarged? no? well then shut the fuck up already. people, if you're going to these meets you all need to grow up a little. get used to someone parking next to you in a parking lot. don't try to be hardasses. that doesn't get anyone very far. the only people that can pull it off are george bush and mike tyson. what? you're neither of them? okay... please people, act civil at these meets. we're not actors from biker boyz with small dicks or fast and the furious turds. we're supposed to be a bunch of car guys (and gals i guess) who meet up to bullshit and race. that's it. no fighting. no drama. if you want to continue this shit, maybe you should hit up central point. keep it away from the rest of us please. thank you.

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