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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Teddy KGB:

$19,594/year X 6 http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/runaway.gifhttp://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/hsughr.gif

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Guest GSRchick714

Shaq just got his MBA from University of Phoenix..thats kinda cool. He said it is for when he has to go back to the "real world" - haha!



But seriously, going to school and working at the same time to try to pay for it SUCKS. The worst part is most of the jobs that pay decent are the hours that conflict with my classes :mad:


[ 08. July 2005, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: GSRchick714 ]

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Originally posted by GSRchick714:

Shaq just got his MBA from University of Phoenix..thats kinda cool. He said it is for when he has to go back to the "real world" - haha!


But seriously, going to school and working at the same time to try to pay for it SUCKS. The worst part is most of the jobs that pay decent are the hours that conflict with my classes :mad:

actually hes helping his local police hunt down possible child molestors over the inet. I think he wants to become a detective of some sort.
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Ben - when you graduate (*cough* C# *cough*) come see me. I'll see to it you clear more than your tightwad parents (I'm avoiding using stronger words) within 10 years. Stick with it, it WILL pay off.


I don't know your parents but from what I read here thats just bad parenting, and selfishness on their part. You especially don't set up an expectation of support for your child and then balk. Not supporting your child doesn't teach them a "life lesson" - its always just an excuse, a rationalization for not giving to your children and keeping for yourself. Or a rationalization to sooth the pain of failing your child. Period.


Your old man looks at a college tuition cost and then deems its not worth it "cuz he's doing fine"? Bullshit - he's doing lucky, is what he's doing, and shit else. I'm sorry but people not supporting their offspring really pisses me off. I'd be glad to have a heart to heart with your dad and show him why, distinctly, logically, factually, and succinctly, why he's full of shit.



Make sure when they're old not to give them one damn red cent for support. Or, if you're nice, total up your 18 yrs of living expenses, amortize that, and then cut em a check and tell them to fuck off.


One last piece of advice: DON'T PLEDGE. A frat will NOT help you either stay on track academically OR financially. In fact just the opposite: statistically it will cost you more and you'll do much poorer gradewise.


(I was greek... for two years then said fuck it. Sounds like you have your other priorities straight, don't go greek its just noise... ROTC, now thats a different story ;) )

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Originally posted by The Stig:

Mr T has a degree, true story.

Terry Bradshaw has a doctorate.


Originally posted by Crash:

Great idea, so then I have no chance of ever snowboarding again.

Not sure what you're worried about - this is a good suggestion. Not as good as ROTC heh, but still good.


[ 08. July 2005, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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Originally posted by GSRchick714:

Shaq just got his MBA from University of Phoenix..thats kinda cool. He said it is for when he has to go back to the "real world" - haha!



But seriously, going to school and working at the same time to try to pay for it SUCKS. The worst part is most of the jobs that pay decent are the hours that conflict with my classes :mad:

Hang in there too.


Man all you folks working hard for your education, or your vocation, or just working hard really make me feel better about young people and America in general, and humanity in general-er. I'd hire any of you in a minute when the skills match (and I have a few of you ;) )


Sorry for the triple-post. I start reading stuff like this and it gets me fired up and I just start hitting reply. I was never one much for collating.

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Guest GSRchick714

I don't think I would try as hard in school if I didn't have to pay for it - but it would be nice to get a little help.

Oh well smile.gif

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Terry Bradshaw has a doctorate.

Great idea, so then I have no chance of ever snowboarding again.

Not sure what you're worried about - this is a good suggestion. Not as good as ROTC heh, but still good.

This sounds bad, but I hold snowboarding above anything else. I had to make a desision this year, wether to go to college, or work all summer and move to Colorado with my uncle and and friend to snowboard. I figured I might as well get my education, THEN move there because I will only be 23 when I graduate. It was a very hard desision for me, and I still have my doubts, but I am going to stick this out. Joining the Millitary would be a great decision, if I didn't have other priorities such as riding all winter. It's not about fun, its more... thats what I want to do for the rest of my life, is be around snowboarding, wether it be riding for sponsors, owning a small shop, or running DC Shoes Co. haha.


Pledging should keep me on track. I will have two mandetory family study tables per week for 1-1/2 hours. That is two more than I would go to if I wern't pledging. I always have the choice to leave it if it starts to kill my grades, because school does come over partying.


As for my parents, they are great people, and have been there for me more times than I can even remeber, but I guess they believe I should be able to do this on my own?

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