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Guest Crankshaft

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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

That's the most asinine response ever. I bet there are more millionaire budsmokers than there are not.


And I have to admit, CU has some of the best bud around. graemlins/lol.gif


I said it once and I'll say it again, America is a wonderful place to live. You have the constitutional right to be as stupid as you want to be. And if smokking pot is stupid than so be it. It's my right. But it so happens that the so called "stupid potheads" are running the world. Ask Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. :D

Steve > *


I couldn't have said it better my self.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

None and none.


I'm a junior.


Jobs you assisted in the growth of society? which ones did you have? do you have? Rotation from menial job to menial job barely counts as blah blah blah


I've got a job

making twenty bux an hour

keep on yapping


Trying to attack my college accomplishments, yet I can still write a paragraph that has proper punctuation. I can't remember a time that reading one of your posts didn't make my head hurt.

What a fucking cunt, you fat retarded fuck! Go back to being a petterass and let the adults talk. I know for a fucking fact you've smoked weed so suck a faggots ass you fucking hipocrit.


[ 03. May 2005, 05:10 AM: Message edited by: I run from cops ]

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Originally posted by I run from cops:

What a fucking cunt, you fat retarded fuck! Go back to being a petterass and let the adults talk. I know for a fucking fact you've smoked weed so suck a faggots ass you fucking hipocrit.

really now? have you seen me?



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Guest 04GreyGT

This is a little off the topic, but as to why the police didn't take any action in the first place...


The officers acted correctly by not storming the crowd and arresting people. Smoking weed is illegal, and wrong, and should be punished. However, possesion and consumption of small amounts is not something that justifies attacking a crowd with tear gas and riot gear. The most these kids would get would be a fine, a misdemeanor...although thats under the Ohio Revised Code, I'm sure the Colorado laws are similar though.


Since there was no danger to life or property, and violence was never imminent, the officers should not have done anything to escalate the situation.....if they had attempted to arrest someone and the crowd turned into a rioting mob, poeople would have been injured, possibly even a few deaths. With the current situation in law enforcement, especially the scrutiny of the TASER, it would have been a very poor decision to try and make arrests. Now sale and distribution of large quantities is a felony offense, and action should have been taken. However, since this was only small quantities, the ends would not justify the means in this particular situation.


Of course I'm not saying that I agree with smoking marijuana, or legalizing it, I don't. Just trying to defend the actions taken by the law enforcement officials.


.....on a side note, the TASER doesn't kill people. This is a fact. People need to quit bitching, if you don't want zapped, don't try to fight with the police. Unexplained deaths just due to high blood preasure, heart problems, adreneline, and drugs happened before the TASER. They usued to be qualified as "Sudden In-Custody Death." Now these same occurances are being blamed on the TASER.

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Guest 420GSXR1000

FOLKVANG.....boy i dont even know where to start...


not that you give a shit but......


so i can get drunk as fuck....go vote against whatever you like...and thats ok???? just because its alcohol legal??? ever listen to a drunks view on anything????


you race on the street??? hmm...what happens whn somthing goes wrong and you crash into me and my kids....or run thru my business front door????? destroy my livlihood????or you just die and the police and fire that I PAY FOR TOO has to scape you up?????


sounds like opinions like YOURS are the degregation of the country.....you just choose what laws are ok to break for what reason YOU believe (excuses).....breaking the law is just plain breaking it.....speed limit ....pot.....ect



i mean come on....who would you rather have as a friend....a smoker or an alcoholic???? alcohol is far more addictive and harder to kick than smoke....you dont loose control like alcohol, except for the muchies smile.gif ......and well lets face it....alcoholics are pieces of shit.....potheads are usually good human beings, that for the most part are highly educated, and in allot more places in the "white colar" work force than anyone could ever imagine



oh....and on a personal cut too you now that logic and dicussion is over for me here....


nice name and quote....go back to germany/austria or where ever you feel the country is better


420...all day ...everyday.....FTP and alcohol!!!!

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Guest 420GSXR1000

oh.....i kept reading....my last post was a bit premature..sorry....


you think pot smoking is a MORAL issue...please....morality is different from person to person and culture to culture, from state to state.....what about medical MJ use.....you said thats a different issue?? BULLSHIT.....MJ use has a few VERY REAL medical uses that have been proven time and time again.(and i hate too mention alcohol again, but what are its uses again???)


I think you have a shitload of book smarts, but in my opinion ppl shouldnt be able to vote untill 25 yrs of age..why???? because you still have to grow up and find out what the real world is about....get a job...get a life...get a house....no pressure???? legal ways to relax??? like doin 120 on the street in a race???? hmmmm...really ...how is this NOT the same thing???? i dont condone MJ use while operating a vehicle just as i wouldnt alcohol....but if you think that MJ use is a detriment to the nation, shit man, thats just plain cookoo....as in my previous post, i know more High (no pun) end ppl in this town thatsmoke that i can shake a stick at...doctors(very succsessful), nurses, lawyers, COPS!!!!, political fiures ect.....


its all interesting...but previous posts about changing ppls minds are correct INCLUDING YOURS!!!!! All studies done before the 90's are bogus.....jesus...i bet you believe the moon walk was a hoax too!!!!! another misinformed concept!!!!


for some reason i have a feeling that you will be in politics someday...which is great....but i have a feeling when you see what happens out here(real world) compromises are made and not everything is black and white...there are many shades of gray



oh and as for the "punishments that you mentioned before for MJ use...like taking belongings away....ok thats cooll


you car is gone after the next race that you have....then they will kick you out of school for the next step......then they go after you parents stuff because you have nothing else and its there fault for raising you ect.....hehehehe what a concept


oh yea....ill wont be letting this post die!!!!!!


oh and when you critiqe ppl for there punctuation and typing ablilities are just plain PETTY, please .....this is the WWW not a high school typing class, or in my case, work


on with the hypocracy!!!!!!!

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Guest 420GSXR1000

hoblick...naw.....just burned one...couldnt care less...this debate will last forever smile.gif


see ya at the lube dude...well have to find a spot close by for a quick session!!!!!

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Guest 420GSXR1000

ok.....since this kid is pretty smart...i read the original post again so we can just answer the questions posted........


the first 1.5 paragraphs can be explained per my previous post about kids under 25 NOT being able to vote(basically there opinion doesnt count for me yet, and like kids, most comments / ideology is based on that person , A KID)


the real question posted was why didnt the student body get arrested for breaking the law in front of the police.....well most adults realize that it would start a RIOT, yes they were in RIOT gear...but lets face it...it was a bunch of KIDS, doing a PEACEFULL PROTEST, why turn it into a mess and possibly hurt/kill/mame someone?? it was a rational decision by the police that is repeated all over the country all the time for all kinds of public unrest....why dont police ALWAYS (some do and they make the news when a civilian get hurt) do high speed chases for criminals???/ because its dangerous to all around!!!! and thats the answer to the original post


as for other MJ/law debates....LETS START A NEW THREAD!!! and REALLY get into it!!!! but then its all open dude, medical, ect!!!!!


I really cant wait till you reply...this is fun

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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> *sigh* I just lost the post I was going to give you, "baked". Took about 40 minutes. You'll get one tomorrow.
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