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Dealership Employee's


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What is it about them that makes it so difficult to deal with?


"Sir your part will be here Wednesday at the latest."


And then, as I am displaying the part right in their face, like a male Vanna White- "Are you sure this is the part you have ordered for me?" A quick, yet confident reply- "Yes! that is the part."


Soooooooo... Wednesday rolls around and of course it is the wrong part. I have missed the best riding week that we have had in months. "Well sir, I'm sorry about that, I will order your correct part right now. I will even put it on express shipping so that it is here on Firday."


Soooooooo... Friday rolls around, and of course the part is not here. I will not be able to ride to class and work on an nice monday, after a long weekend of shitty weather. "The part will for sure be here monday though."


Soooooooo... Monday rolls around, and of course the part is not here. The manager tells me the part was not put on express shipping, and the part would have not been here Firday or Monday, It will be Tuesday.


Soooooooo... Tuesday will come, and it will be the right part, but it will be raining, rain until Friday afternoon.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Orion:

i must be the only person on this whole board who picked a dealer with a service department worth a damn.

never had a problem with mine smile.gif
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Hijacking my own thread because this is a dead subject.


I like when the insurance companys try to say fuck you, and put you off as long as possible. The only time an insurance company wants to pay you right away is if someone was injured. All I wanted was the $70 for the piece that broke in the crash. I didnt even worrie about the nickle sized scratch or my cell with the outer screen that no longer works.


After weeks of unretured phone calls, and several accounts of sitting on hold for 20 minutes, I'm fucking them. I am now claiming for the broken Stay, a new lower front fairing (scratch the size of a nickle that occured in thw reck) witch runs a few hundred + paint, my $300 cell phone with the broken outer screen from my falling, and intrest for them putting me off for so long.


If they would have just sent me my fuckin $70 they would ahve saved themselves $500+.

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Originally posted by Coke:

Hijacking my own thread because this is a dead subject.


I like when the insurance companys try to say fuck you, and put you off as long as possible. The only time an insurance company wants to pay you right away is if someone was injured. All I wanted was the $70 for the piece that broke in the crash. I didnt even worrie about the nickle sized scratch or my cell with the outer screen that no longer works.


After weeks of unretured phone calls, and several accounts of sitting on hold for 20 minutes, I'm fucking them. I am now claiming for the broken Stay, a new lower front fairing (scratch the size of a nickle that occured in thw reck) witch runs a few hundred + paint, my $300 cell phone with the broken outer screen from my falling, and intrest for them putting me off for so long.


If they would have just sent me my fuckin $70 they would ahve saved themselves $500+.

Ohio insurance laws suck. They can claim to be "investigating" your claim for as long as they want. Most other states have a reasonable limit (6mos max). :(


So who was the dealership?

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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

why dont you just learn how to ride a bike then none of this would happen tongue.gif

Or maybe forigners should learn to wait till the bike has passed through the intersection to turn!


I'd rather not say the dealer because I get good service there usually, and I over all like the place.


The guys insurance was Safe Auto... if that says anything

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