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Calling out.. QWK90GT


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(This is all in reference: But if this really isnt robin or andy then who ever you are your still just a retard..lol)


The dog treat girl is just a thing named Robin (if its who I think it is of course) - and just a nosey old fuck who likes to start fights and get me all pissed which dont work anymore. Just completely funny!


Dan and I couldnt stop laughing over that one...lol Not original on the name with since they used it awhile back...lol and vehicle is funny too.. what did they you do trade stock lx and the 04 yellow mach 1 in on a Buick? lol lol lol


Since Im sure its not Andy... Robin give it up girl I mean damn dont you have better things to do.. like fixing your mullet? So be good now honey... dont wanna see ya get banned for the 100th time. I mean its gotta be old thinking of new names to get on here with everytime you talk shit to everyone over nothing. So..

Love ya hugs and kisses from your best friend Amy. MUUUAAH!

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Guest jpurdy2003

Everyone involved with this bullshit looks immature and stupid as a result.


Lock this thread, send it to the dumpster, and give the four main characters a week vacation to regain their common sense.


This is Columbus Racing, not some WB evening soap opera.

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Oh but when I asked for the thread to be locked it was bullshit... LOL Too damn funny. YES THIS THREAD IS FUCKING GAY!


And ban people for a week... wow for what? Bitching cause its the "the kitchen" andand "for posting stuff that you knew wouldnt be taken off" oh thats right ... My bad.. when other people ask for things to be taken off its pathetic... but when others ask it and think its stupid too... THATS OK!! WTF LOL

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by AmysBAD98GT:

Oh but when I asked for the thread to be locked it was bullshit... LOL Too damn funny. YES THIS THREAD IS FUCKING GAY!


And ban people for a week... wow for what? Bitching cause its the "the kitchen" andand "for posting stuff that you knew wouldnt be taken off" oh thats right ... My bad.. when other people ask for things to be taken off its pathetic... but when others ask it and think its stupid too... THATS OK!! WTF LOL

No, it's because this high school drama queen bullshit would have been best settled off of CR, and if it had to be here, through PM's. My suggestion for a week's banning would have been sarcasm if the four of you weren't the most whiney, annoying fools CR has to offer.


Now run along, I think someone on Seventh Heaven sprouted a pubic hair or something.

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Awww "sprouuted a pubic hair...aww isnt that just TOO CUTE. LOL LOL LOL

I really could care less. Also the reason for my first post was very clear hun, read it. I posted because I was asked so oh well. Yes it is all immature but if you dont like it... DONT READ IT...

I have seen a lot more gay shit on here. And really could care less anymore... So get in line and take a number with all the other people who think this is gay.


Im first to admit.. ya it IS immature and high school. But who gives a fuck! LOL I posted they posted...YOU posted.. so blah blah blah.

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Originally posted by AmysBAD98GT:

LOL LOL Okay Okay I have to laugh.. so funny! I find it so funny that "people" named after a dog treat dont know anyone in this ... but yet "know" so much about me... LOL LOL Oh well...


Oh what do I hear...chrip chrip "IS THAT A ROBIN"" LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Too funny. I love it!

WHAT????? So i like scooby doo. so what? Atleast Im not named Bad98gt that, from all your posts of how bad your car is, never runs.

But that is not the point here.


FYI, My name is Heather and no I dont know any of you personally. Go back and read through all your posts. There is always some kind of drama on here that involves YOU mostly and then qwk90gt and the others that have that famous "grovetucky" name on here. You have a ton of your personal situations on here. Looks like thats all you post so I dont have to know you personally to know just about all there is to know.



I just added my .02 like everyone else but just because I pegged you out you get mad...sorry honey, I know you just wanted attention from the boys but too bad. Keep it of the net if you cant take the criticism.

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Originally posted by Tony:

I nominate this love triangle for "tool(s) of the week".

Ohh my....has arguing moved to a different level nowadays? Are we protected now and we can be as bitchy and as much of an asshole as we want just because we're behind a screen now? if thats the case, this world has become more twisted then I thought. Does having a big bad and fast machine settle arguments? I think not, if I was to play by those rules I can come and say alot of things on this board and settle alot of arguments, I think this whole "calling you out" ordeal is childish period, it's all good for fun and games but when it turns into a 4 page cat fight, please, if this shit was on my board, I would have locked it up and told you guys to talk to eachother on PM.


Lady Scooby, I know you might be inputting your own 0.02 but it rubs off as if you've got a grudge on Amy and worse yet you know her in person, as for who you really are, this isn't for me to decide, as for the admins on this site, or even the moderator, one look at the IP address will reveal all.


everyone else, this thread has obviously gone to shits so can someone lock it up and tell each one of them to talk about it through PM?


As for the I have a big bad and fast car/bike contest, if this is how you guys settle arguments, geez I'd trailor my car up here to run for some money in the sake of settling for an ARGUMENT! It's only a "stock" Camaro SS, okay maybe not so stock but I am N/A ;)


As far as personal desputes on this thread..... graemlins/gives.gif apart from you 4, spare us the effort in trying to scroll pass this thread....


Amy, Dan, John and whoever I missed....I hope I have not offended ya, just telling you the truth.



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Originally posted by 1SLOMOFO:


Lady Scooby, I know you might be inputting your own 0.02 but it rubs off as if you've got a grudge on Amy and worse yet you know her in person, as for who you really are, this isn't for me to decide, as for the admins on this site, or even the moderator, one look at the IP address will reveal all.


I have no grudge against anyone. I have no reason to. I read and then call it like I see it. Cant handle it? shouldnt have posted personal business on a message board.

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hahah well this is the problem here, reason I say you have a grudge is that you only have 4 posts and all 4 posts were spent in here....joining this site you needed to be authorised bla bla blah it's a long process so it kinda raises a red flag for me because you've spent all 4 posts in this thread...joining a forum is normally to introduce yourself first, and roam about, but it looks to me is if you've joined this forum just because you wanted to show your feelings to someone you hate in real life. I am not from Columbus but I am going to be transfered up here real soon, so I just wanted to form a network so I won't be out of the loop when I do get up here, but I roam about different forums on this board. I could be wrong and I am not trying to offend anyone here but anyone that knows me, know that I am blunt as you can get and if you don't like it, tough....looks to me that you are the one here trying to become an addition to the scene, my family has always taught me "if you've got nothing good to say don't say it at all" theres a difference between a verbal assault and a personal view, just thought I'd point out, again let me stress out to you that I am not attacking you, just trying to tell you how a 3rd person sees this. As far as personal information, hell this is a public board, only people that can take down subjects are the admins and the mods, if it stays up, for all I care because this is just the internet if I really wanted to, I'll open up a thread and describe how my 15min in the toilet bowl taking a dump felt like today, weather it's long and soft or hard and lumpy even if I decide to post up the amount of times I had to wipe my arse until it's clean....until it's deleted it's still public.




For those of you that don't know how to seperate real life and the internet, I want to introduce you to something that might help you a little, so Lady Scooby and for all those others that might take this personally, please click on the link...





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Originally posted by Lady Scooby:

Everyone perceives things differently.

Everyone has their own views.

You call it how you see it as did I. Two different views, big deal. No need for a big debate. End of discussion.

I agree graemlins/nod.gif
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