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Challenge for all FD Rx-7 owners


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Originally posted by Orion:

i dont rememebr you having much to say when a certain viper was out last month (and it was even broken). and, its not like there isnt a gto on this board who hasnt offered you everything but 60 virgins for a race.

i do beleive i challenged a viper that was superchagered and he back down.
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Originally posted by Orion:

i stood there and watched you walk up, look, and walk off. at the very least you could have spoken to him. if you had, then id be busting his ass for giving excuses as opposed to you for not saying shit. in his defense, he didnt know who you were until the rest of us told him. seems youre not that recognizable. :eek::D (as i remember, you left your tranny on the freeway shortly after that, so its kind of academic anyways)


you know im not squirreling, because i havent seen you at any autox events yet this year, either. dont you know what youre doing to me? you cant come between a fat guy and his chilitoes!! :( just not right, man.


i wasnt aware that you had actually spoken to blue by you, so my bad on that. id kinda like to see that race. redface.gif

again i called out the viper and he didnt race me and later that night sam and i raced
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Originally posted by The Stig:

Joe did the calling out on the web. So, he shows up, he can either forfeit or race with no blower belt.

No need to have a crystal ball when armed with the ancient art of conversation. ;)

My one and only point is, Sam, ya could have just gone up and talked to him. No one here is a hard ass, I dont think anyone here is anything to be scared of. The one person he should have talked to...and he didn't. Broken car, no race, who cares? Putting a face to a screen name helps to prevent 99% of E-animosity. It's all supposed to be fun.


As for racing, I've got to pick my battles. I'll challenge the Z06 to any road course, AutoX, or rally with my $2000 beater, and win. ;)

stig why are you such a squirle. i tried to talk to the guy about racing and he didnt even want to hold a conversation with me and i did call him out infront of his friends and brother. yes i told him my car was stock but so what, he told me the cog belt was broken and pretty much blew me off. that was why sam didnt waste his time.



next time try to get the whole story graemlins/leghump.gif

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Originally posted by linn.35:

stig why are you such a squirle. i tried to talk to the guy about racing and he didnt even want to hold a conversation with me and i did call him out infront of his friends and brother. yes i told him my car was stock but so what, he told me the cog belt was broken and pretty much blew me off. that was why sam didnt waste his time.



next time try to get the whole story graemlins/leghump.gif

ya know, it's funny. We are on "columbus racing", we do talk about racing also. But... it seems that's the ONLY thing you seem to care about. I'd be disinterested also if some random person kept coming up to me like a hyperass chipmunk and was saying "hey lets race race you wannarace?comeon pussy putuporshutup raceraceracerace3times3the3hrious" you get my point. You already have the reputation of liking to race, that's great. Not everybody and their sister's brother wants to go out and do it 24/7.
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first of all when most people go to the cruise spot its not to stand around at a car show and sit in their lawn chairs its to race. second you dont even know how or when i asked him to race. so let me fill you in squirle, after sitting in the garage (hooters dinning room) with a group of people for about 2 or so hours i turned to dynodaddy and ask him if he wanted to race. then he told me the cog belt was broken and i said a stock viper should still be able to pull a camaro. then he laugh and didnt really say much to me it was his brother i ended up talking to for awhile about cars.


the reason i ask people more than once is because they ussally end up racing me. and if they dont i walk away and try to find another race. when i go out to race i try to find a race, i dont like to stand around all night.


[ 06. May 2005, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: linn.35 ]

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Originally posted by linn.35:

second you dont even know how or when i asked him to race. so let me fill you in squirle, after sitting in the garage (hooters dinning room) with a group of people for about 2 or so hours i turned to dynodaddy and ask him if he wanted to race. then he told me the cog belt was broken and i said a stock viper should still be able to pull a camaro. then he laugh and didnt really say much to me it was his brother i ended up talking to for awhile about cars.

I was there. True story.


The funnier part of that story is that his buddy couldnt stop hyping a race with me (even after i told him my car wasnt there) and then when Linn walks in and is all about running him out pops the excuses :rolleyes: . I just found that humerous...

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As long as the mods are near the same. You were on stock twins correct? So I guess this one would also have to be on stock twins. If that is so, then yeah same terms. I just have a feeling I AM going to get walked. Which is cool, I ran my mouth way too much on that other forum. Now, I just have to put in the dues.



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Originally posted by Hwilli:

Just make sure when you come in the door you scream really loud and brandish a knife.. that way I know it's you.. since we've never met ;)

Just make sure you warm up before I get there, dont want you to strain yourself at all. graemlins/gay.gifgraemlins/jerkit.gifgraemlins/popcorn.gif
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Originally posted by Veritas:

some random person kept coming up to me like a hyperass chipmunk and was saying "hey lets race race you wannarace?comeon pussy putuporshutup raceraceracerace3times3the3hrious"

Thats funny the times I met Linn he did do that in fact one time when he was passing by me in his car I yelled "you want to race" and he almost broke his neck looking for the person who said it Linn and his urge to race can be compared to a crackheads urge for crack both are very motivated on getting there fix But there is not a damn thing wrong with a guy who buys a car and wants to race it shit more power to him people like him,Sam and some others make these good weather months very interesting.
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Guest powers
Originally posted by Hwilli:

My offer still stands from last year, but I will have to borrow a friends car. smile.gif

Anytime you want to use the car just let me know.
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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

Thats funny the times I met Linn he did do that in fact one time when he was passing by me in his car I yelled "you want to race" and he almost broke his neck looking for the person who said it Linn and his urge to race can be compared to a crackheads urge for crack both are very motivated on getting there fix But there is not a damn thing wrong with a guy who buys a car and wants to race it shit more power to him people like him,Sam and some others make these good weather months very interesting.

you know what, you're right


i just love giving people a good ribbing every now and then :D

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