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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Regenmeister:

as for the little girl, fuck that brat, suspend her ass for insubordination. Fuckers who cant listen piss me off. The parents backing the kid piss me off more. If I was her dad, I'd say

:rolleyes: "gee, thats sum bullshit, they said it was cuz it was dangerous?"

graemlins/cry.gif "yeah daddy boo hoo"

graemlins/wtf.gif "well tell me this sweetpea, did they TELL you not to do it?"

graemlins/cry.gif "sniffle pittyme sniffle...yeah"

graemlins/nonono.gif "and you did it anways?"

graemlins/cry.gif "...but..."


fuckin grounded

So you're saying children should unconditionally listen to every command given by adults, no matter how absurd? That's retarded as fuck. You cannot teach a child blind obedience and common sense simultaneously, because they contradict each other.
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Guest jpurdy2003

But NOBODY should be required to take direction from people who don't know their ass from a hole in the wall. Yes, it is a fact of life, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to minimize it.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's a time and place to question authority. I think she should have gone straight to her parents, who should inject some common sense into these space cadets that run her school.

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Heres the one that gets me the most.


"Thats it... TIME OUT!"




Dude, when i did something stupid... my dad swatted my ass with a belt or a wooden paddel-ball paddel. One time he broke the padel on my ass... i didnt feel it really. The next day, he brought home a plastic one with a picture of a big bald eagle on it. He always used to say, "If your bad, the eagle's gonna bite ya." I was bad ONE time, ONE TIME! after that. That bitch hurt and i didnt need to know it a second time.


I always say, if you fuck up, youll be delt with swiftly, and severely. Ill do the same to my kids, no matter waht any stupidass nosey neighbor has to say about it. Kids get off waaay to easy these days.


I learned the hard way... and in turn, i stayed out of trouble as a teenager. Thus, i got special privliges like no curfew, taking ski trips, shooting guns, and pretty much doing what i wanted when i wanted.


I wouldnt trust anyone under the age of 16 to know how serious handeling firearms is. With all the school shootings and threats on neighborhood streets, its amazing ive been able to keep myself from putting foot to ass to all those little punks.




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Originally posted by Crooked Edge Lovecore:

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's a time and place to question authority.

for adults, yes. Children are children because they are young and dont know shit. Defying athority has never yielded anything. Protesting and whining us pointless if you dont get the lawmakers on your side. Subterfuge and circumventing it is the only way you can work gainst it and do anything. When you're in school you do what you're fucking told, how you interpret that is up to your parents. Come home and bitch, but while you're there, sit down, shut up and dont be an attention whore.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

So eric, you thought it was ok to climb all over that playground, because it was fun, relatively safe, and let you learn from your mistakes. WHat would you have done if a teacher who didnt even go out onto the playground told you you werent allowed to climb anymore?

the teacher would have also givin a punishment with that warning. I would either do it or not depending on not how much trouble i would get in at school, but how pissed my parents would be.
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Originally posted by copperhead:



This is fucking sad :rolleyes:

HAHAHA in elementary school i used to spin around in circles until i got to dizzy and fell over. I ruined a pair of pants every other day due to skinned knees. My "time out" was the 2 hours i sat in the corner waiting for my father to come home and dol out the pain. You learn real quick what consequences are.


Additionally insubordination is one thing, but administration based on ones given liablity on the issue is another. Rules are being doled out simply on the fact that people dont want to be sued. The rules dont make "sense" but they reduce liability. This word "liability" is becoming far too powerful these days. Which leads me back to my orignal post to start this bitch. Take care of your own shit. A friend of mines little brother was swinging on a vine. Unfortunatley the vine broke and he landed on his head killing him instantly. This sucks and the family had a great deal of grief. they arent going to sue the tree? certainly not the other 14 yr old boy that was there swinging with him. Its a crock of shit and these sue happy fuckholes that are living the get rich quick by suing some unsuspecting is fucking bull shit. The words "gross negligence" has been redefined to mean they had no idea and a 1 in 10000000000^10000000 chance makes you liable for the inevitablity of randomness to occur. Your all fucking cunts and should be so lucky as to get struck by lightning and sue the church for this act of "GOD" in a court where you also demand they destroy the same very notion of "Gods" exhistance. This shit is rediculous.

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