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Lame rant

El Karacho1647545492

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See, I work at a coffee shop. It is my job to ensure that everyone that orders something is able to get through the day without that caffeine headache. However, on a rare occasion, I do get to work downtown during conventions (there's a shop in the convention center). On such occasions, the only time I am ever given a break is for the Hell City Tattoo Festival, because those fuckers tip like you wouldn't believe. To contrast this, however, I also have to work pretty much every goddamn cheerleading/dance convention.


I'm not sure if you know, but a hoarde of 14 year old teeny-bopper cheerleaders introducing copious amounts of caffeine into their systems is the second worst thing to an atomic bomb. Especially when their mothers are stupid bitches who are made of more plastic that Barbie and who come into our store and order Starbucks drinks because they can't read our goddamn menu and decide what they want from US, not Starbucks. My most frequently used lines in conversation are:

"No, I don't know what a Carmel Macchiato is."

"Ma'am, you asked for iced. This is iced. If you wanted it blended up with ice, you should have ordered frozen. I can't help that you didn't know because you didn't bother to ask the difference. When you definitively said you wanted iced, I assumed you wanted iced, not frozen".


This rant sucks ass and so do you.

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