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FS: 1996 CBR900 RR


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Guest bizkid225
Bike is NICE....I have been riding with him for 2years and its been very well taken care of, he put a new chain and new sprocket also...whatever that bike needed he did it...(except those blue BALLS
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Guest Pimpin' the Jag
why is the pipe on the right side in every picture but the last one? and what is it leaning on???...kickstand should be on the left side.............anyone else notice these things?
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Originally posted by Im Josh:

why is the pipe on the right side in every picture but the last one? and what is it leaning on???...kickstand should be on the left side.............anyone else notice these things?

Because the picture was taken with the camera sideways, so I rotated it to make it look better. Here is the orginal. I must have flipped it to, who knows.


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