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newb hello

Guest AlpineFox

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Guest AlpineFox

not sure where to do this but I'm bored the roads are open and inviting with so much snow out but way to many people out there that dont know what they are doing. so here I am


lesse 25 years old been driving since I was 18 momtaught me how to drive, people had a clue when she took me out to show me how to recover from a flat spin =) I've owned over 25 cars since then, no accidents but alot of 300$ beaters that I drove till they blew up. everything from k cars to lincolns and a few imports. currently I drive a 1997 lincoln continental with the 32 valve dohc 4.6 liter FWD with in dash customizeable suspension on the fly....no joke its awesome.


speed is my vice, if a car has a top speed I'll find it and use it. drifting isnt soemthing I do alot of, its mainly an art form at low speed rather than a driving technique =)


formally an ase cert mechanic from michigan, learned to drive on michigan roads.


I also own an 87 town car that has 330k miles on it all original, so its noing nowhere slowly =)


I dont mind races, I'm working toward taking all hard races to the track, random fun can be had on the freeway.


I live in franklin co, westerville area


so I'm a newb...s'up!

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Originally posted by AlpineFox:

I will say FWD v8+snow=suck

I second that.. Z Rated tires are the worst.thing.ever. on the snow. At stop lights people would run and try and push me because they thought I was stuck, no matter how little gas you would give that thing it would just spin.
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Originally posted by AlpineFox:

I will say FWD v8+snow=suck

Never had trouble with my Caddy in the snow... As a matter of fact, I had so little trouble getting around in that car, it became absolutely no fun driving in the snow at all! I tried to get the car to go squirrly in the snow, and it wouldn't do it!


Welcome to the board btw.

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Guest AlpineFox
my comment about fwd v8=suck was related to the fact that its either all grip and smow going or no grip and spinout. =) I can still twist around corners vi parking brake and still outhandle rwd with trac on, at one point it was just me my conti a few other contis and some suv's on the road, bmw's and mercedes on the shoulder. nice ice storm =)
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