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user name changing?????


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someone was telling me that i could go to the cr administraters and have my name changed like we used to be able to do on our own. is it possible to do that? and if i have already missed the thread about it please no flaming. i only on here about every other day to two days. thanks
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No wonder so many people lurk around on CR and don't post. No one on here can be nice and helpful they always have smart ass comments. If you cant help him dont post.

Ok... so PM an Admin and ask them if it possible to get your name changed. Isn't this the third or fourth post about this?

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anyways thanks for the help. sorry i posted. sorry i dont spend every waking moment on the computer to know what has already been posted. like i said im on here every other day to every two days. truth be told if your going to be a dick. dont be a dick behind a computer. if its said in humor fine. but if not grow up. anyways love you all haha peace.
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