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Got Pulled Over On The Way Home From Norwalk...


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I forgot to tell this little story. I was just leaving Norwalk Friday, heading south on that little highway you take to get to Route 250. I was in the right lane, but was being passed by an Explorer who was going at least 5 - 10 MPH faster than me. All of a sudden, he hits the brakes and then I see the State Trooper in the turn around. We pass her (yes, her ;)) and I see that she has her reverse lights on. She pulls out and gets in the lane with the Explorer. "Good", I thought. Then the Explorer moves over behind me and she does the same. "Even Better", I thought. The first exit to 250 is mine, so I get over into it and sure enough, she pulls over as well and flips the lights on. Now I'm pissed. I know that Explorer was going faster than me, but whatever. :mad:


She pulls me over and tells me I was speeding, going 69 in a 55. Now since I put my tranny back in with the speedo gear for the 3.73's, I've known my speedo is off. I was doing around 64 when I saw the cop, but according to her, it was really 69. No biggie, now I know how off it really is. She said that I was passing the Explorer, to which I responded that the only reason I was passing him, is because he slowed way down when he saw you. He passed me going at least 5 - 10 MPH faster than I was before he saw you. I told her I wasn't trying to argue with her, just letting her know what happened. I give her my military ID, license, registration, insurance, etc.. She said that she was going to cite me and went back to the car. I was a bit upset, especially since I wasn't the faster car out there, but whatever. I'll pay the fine and move on with life.


So she gets back out of her car and starts walking up to my car again. Then I see her stop behind the car, bend down, and look at my rear tires. Now, anyone who was at Norwalk who looked at my Mustang knows that I drove up there on my $50 special bald ass Nittos. I mean BALD. No tread at all. I didn't feel like changing tires out at the track, with me trying to run the event and all, not to mention the weather was going to be perfect, no rain. So she asks what's up with my tires. I told her that we had just rented the track here and those are the tires I use at the track. She said "Well, there is no tread. That is illegal." I told her I understand, I just didn't want to change tires out when I got there. So she said now she has to cite me for that as well and heads back to her car. :mad:


Now I start thinking that she probably has enough right now to impound the car, with those bald tires. My wife's gonna be pissed if I have to have her drive up here with my other tires! But I don't see her getting on the radio and finally she comes back to my car and says "Look, I'm gonna let you off with two warnings. I didn't get that other truck's speed and pull him over as well, so I don't want to cite you for speeding. As far as the tires go, you can get pulled over again between here and Delaware and get ticketed. Just don't do the tire thing again." I promised her I wouldn't and thanked her for her leniency. :D


Yes, my respectful attitude and perhaps my military ID get me out of yet another ticket... :cool:

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