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The first DVD I've bought in a while


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I picked this DVD up on my way home from work today. I absolutely couldn't wait for it to hit the shelves.


Don't worry, there will be no spoilers in my review.



Family Guy presents Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story


What is it? This is the first full length (88 minutes according to the back of the packaging) Family Guy "movie" I say "movie" because it's not actually a movie at all. Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story is actually 3 episodes that were written 3 or 4 years ago that all closely follow the same story line.


Stewie Griffin: The Review

As I mentioned above this movie is actually 3 episodes of family guy that have been edited into a single super-episode. The problem is that 3 made-for-TV episodes added together simply are not long enough to market as a movie. To compensate for this, the film features amusing intro and outro segments featuring the paparazzi, red carpet, and champagne.

This movie follows the tale of Stewie's quest across the country to meet his real father in California; and just as you would expect from anything bearing the Family Guy insignia, it does everything but merely follow his quest across the cuntry. No, that is not a typo. Stewie's untold story is full of the side stories and random gags that we have all come to love about Family Guy. The wonderful gags range from sex changes, Rosanne, all the way to 8 second sexual experiences. That poor girl.

The DVD box claims that this Untold Story is outrageous and uncensored, and generally a tad more hard core than the TV series. I didn't see a single gag that they wouldn't have been able to air on Fox, however there are some curse words that would have to be removed. Wow, outrageous.


Stewie Griffin: The DVD Special Features

I am horribly disappointed with the features that are on this DVD. There is a total of four special features. Four! Two of those features are advertisements for upcoming DVDs. This barren sub-menu of the DVD also includes a full length commentary with Seth MacFarlane, the cast, and writers and what they call ananimatic comparison. The full length commentary can be switched on and off, and basically plays the movie while the people responsible for the DVD babble incoherently, mostly about Star Trek. The animation comparison is basically an animated black and white storyboard that can be viewed from several different angles. Sadly, my DVD player remote lacks an angle button, so I was unable to use this feature. I was hoping for some material that was chopped and found on the editing room floor, or maybe some interviews with the voice actors and writers. Perhaps a few animated short skits would have been nice?


Stewie Griffin: The Packaging

This DVD comes in pretty much industry standard packaging. You get your typical boring grey DVD case that is shrouded by a cardboard sleeve. Inside you'll find of course the DVD, chapter guide (which is printed on the back of an advertisement for the Family Guy Volume 3 DVD), an advertisement for Robots, an advertisement for Family Guy and American Dad DVD's and apparel, and a 6 page advertisement for Fox series that have since been canceled and are now available on DVD. Fox, I already gave you my money when I bought the DVD, now stop trying to sell me shit!



Stewie Griffin: The Bottom Line

If you're merely interested in seeing the movie, then hit up Blockbuster or Netflicks. If you're a fan of the Family Guy, then your collection can't be complete without it. Don't get me wrong, Stewie's Story is just as funny as any other family guy, it just has shitty extras and was thrown together to make a quick buck.


+ The Pros:

*Just as witty, random, and funny as the series we all love

*Contains approximately 4 times as much Family Guy as Fox airs on Sunday nights

*Includes spoofs of entirely too many other shows

* makes fun of Rosanne and Who's the Boss?


- The negatives:

* Just as witty, random, and funny as the series because it is made of 3 episodes glued together

* Completely wastes the Special Features section of the DVD

*Contains 12 pages of advertising. Front and back!

*Not any edgier than the FCC allows the nationally aired tv series to be

*Not quite as funny as a Family Guy feature film should be



Movie: 3.5 stars (of 5) Good, funny, but not great

Extras: 1 star Waste. of. time.

Packaging: 2.5 stars This comes in a fairly standard DVD case. All the advertising didn't help the score either.

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