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Koran to be made illegal....


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Aperntly in brittan there was a law passed that makes hate speech illegal. A christian group is trying to use the law to sue the Quran out of bookstores and generaly make it ilegal.



I predict the kitchen within 15 posts.

PS, can an admin change the thread title, I mispelled Quran.

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hell yea fuck the muslims.......


yes there are a few good ones, but the good is alaways overshadowed by the bad, and well fuck the muslims



this sounds horrible, but i agree...


freedom of religion is one thing. but this psycho shit has gone too far. the quran isn't bad. its the finatics that take it to the extreme. there are the same in christianity, but not nearly as many.

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this sounds horrible, but i agree...


freedom of religion is one thing. but this psycho shit has gone too far. the quran isn't bad. its the finatics that take it to the extreme. there are the same in christianity, but not nearly as many.




Basically, if you want to be Muslim, be Muslim. Read about it though...it's a religion founded on peace. When Muslim extreamists kill in the name of Alah, they are wrong. According to their own religion they will be punished in the afterlife...go figure :rolleyes:


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According to their own religion they will be punished in the afterlife...go figure :rolleyes:


And they think there is gona be 40 virgins waiting on them. More like 40 guys getting ready to treat him like a virgin pice of ass.


I have no problem with most any religion that dosent hurt other people. And I even understand the recruiting part built into every religion (every business needs to constantly be seeking new customers to keep the payroll in the black) The killing shit is a little to far.

I am biased against the fanatics though. After a year of them trying to kill me becuase of where I was born, I think I can feel that way and be justified. Also the "honor killings" get on my nerves. While we where on a convoy, we saw 2 teenage girls strung up on a post at the entrance to a village, throats cut out. The reason? The where seen walking with a boy in public. In order for the family to retain its honor, the daughters had to be executed. Shit like that bugs me, especialy when it is part of thier religion. Notsaying all muslims are like that, not even close, but when you can have a part of the religion that can justify it, that raises a big :bs: to me.

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One time I played poker with this guy named Dante, he put me out with a straight then we went into the parking lot and had a knife fight. He was also a muslim...


And then, after the knife fight, we got in a Z06, line locked the car, and did a burn out down the length of Lazelle Road.

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Wow, this thread is going no where near the path I was expecting. Yes, I am guilty of the derailment also. I was more getting at the lawsuit. I consider myself a christian, but the actions of these "christians" brining this suit I find disturbing. I supose they feel it is thier duty, but I dont agree with it. Seems a little shady for people that usually calim they are the moral high ground.

Oh, and eric, what is the death toll per years of exsistance? Leme know, I am honestly curious. Hell if you are bored, get stats on a couple of religions.

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Oh, and eric, what is the death toll per years of exsistance? Leme know, I am honestly curious. Hell if you are bored, get stats on a couple of religions.

That's a toughy. Considering the big grey areas like the Crusades, Western Hemisphere expansion, Spanish Conquistadors, The inquisition, and untold amounts of random herotics killed here and there, its going to be very difficult to get a count. You'll probably have to adress each of those subject on a per-battle basis. It'd take more time then I have. :p

So far I have rough estimates on a few, the time period being 2005 years, obviously ;) This is a count of people killed by christians because they were not, initialy, christian. In the case of the slaves, we knew many converted over the 400 years, but the trade began citing they were "heathen subhumans", and therefore acceptable comodities.

*Native Americans; 20m (US), 145m (western hemisphere)

*Atlantic Slave Trade; 18m

*France, Religious Wars (Catholic vs. Huguenot); 4m

*St. Bartholomew's Massacre; 100,000

"*The Crusades", there were a few. est 5-6m

*The Spanish Inquisition; 350,000 ish, 31,912 by burning (they actualy kept records of that)

I'm missing a few things, I'm sure

Highball, thats 173,450,000

Add to all of that the witch hunts, Klan rallies, and the burning of random heritics through the last 1000-1500 years of christian prominance, and you have one increadibly large, yet indefinate number. Hell, they've been killing EACHOTHER all over the world based on stupid differences in which flavor of christianity they like, even the mormons masecred other mormons. The "scattered" death toll could well be another 100 million people. The only thing thats claimed more lives is good old greed, land battles, etc etc. Technicaly, thats what have the christian lead atrocities were, i.e. the Crusades and the Americas, they just called it holy to make them feel better about themselves.

The true tragety isn't just the count of dead. People die, death is our only certainty. What they destroyed were entire civilizations, cultures, ways of life, things meant to live on. Imagine a Mexico left in the hands of its great former civilizations.

The competition:

*3000 years of chinese land battles: 180 - 200m

*Muslims (slave trade, conquest, crusades, etc etc, not counting the last 100 years); est 25-30m

*Flea's on rats (the black death); 75m

*2 world wars; 100m

*Bulchevics (the Athiests have their own atrocities); 9m

*Terrorism; 10,000

*2000 years of Rome (suprisingly not many, due to the fact that they rarely massecred, and faught army to army); est 5-10m

*Joseph Stalin, the one man atrocity machine; 30-50 million. When he died, Russias population had dropped 30% from when he took power.

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I once had this fighting game on Nintendo 64 and one of my favorite characters was named Al Rashid. He was badass Muslim.


That guy was badass, but we unlocked the chicken. You could throw eggs at people. WTF was the name of that game? I forget...

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