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Not all cops are dicks.

Guest Rane

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Ok, real talk first I'll give you the situation. Sometimes I drive around my neighborhood and smoke an L, tonight was one of those nights. No crazy driving, mostly 10-15mph, around my own neighborhood wich I have lived in for long enough to know no one is on the road this late at night. I don't think its that big of a deal personally but yes, I was driving while smoking or whatever.


Normally I just drive around that area afterwards and listen to music or whatever with a friend or two. We were doing this, coming down my road with L still in hand(We actually had 2 one was gone.) and a cop was coming opposite of me. I thought nothing of it, even though he had his lights on. The cop then turns his lights off, drives past me and then turns them back on. So I am thinking to myself wtf? I pull further around a little bend and another cop is there on the side of the road with his lights on. So I casually drive past, somewhat slowing down and easing away from him so he knew I wasn't going to hit him or anything. As soon as I pass him a cop turns from a side street behind me and pulls me over as I turn to head towards my house.


So...My friend managed to flick a lit L out of the window unnoticed(Or was it?) and I pull over and park. I am making sure to keep my hands visable, talking to the cop with complete respect as are my friends who are getting questioned from another cop. They ask what were doing, etc. etc. I knew before they even got out that they were going to smell the smoke. Heat was on full also, but I turned that off.


The cops tell me that there was a burglary around where I was coming from and that a chopper saw us as the only car ANYWHERE near the area. We answer a few more questions. Then the cops go back to there cars (there are 3 cop cars.)


It gets a little more scary when I hear the last officer to arrive(First to see me) start telling the others something along the lines of "I was taking up half the road trying to get them to stop, but he just moved towards the curve and went around me." though, over the noise of there engines and crickets I could only make this out of the next things I heard him say. "Then I heard one of them yelling for the other one to ___________." "Thats Indication of it right there."


I am thinking to myself that I am about to get framed for something completely different, or this situation was going to end up very bad. I hear the cop ask "Well, did you see anything." the other cop replies "No" Then he says something about it not being that serious then and he was going to head out. But before he left the conversation somehow ended up to them joking around about one cops age. I hear him asking a cop if there married and has a wife or children. One says a joke they all laugh then the two back up cruisers leave.


One of cops who was dealing with us comes back and says something about not believing our story(I could tell that he knew we didn't rob a house, but he did know we had smoked just that maybe he didn't care or was going to let us off or whatever.) He was half way joking when he said he thought we were bs'ing him. He cracked a few jokes, told us a couple times to stay out of trouble and then complemented me on the Jaguar a couple times.


He went away chuckling after the conversation telling us to go home.(My house was right down the street.) And that was that.


Needless to say, lesson learned. And also not all cops are ass, FCP all the way but the cool cops do arrive now and again. I believe if the cops don't see you as a threat to anyone but yourself they genuinly will let you go. For instance, all you people who get caught goofing off in your cars. When its in a secluded area you normally get a warning, or when maybe there are no cars around and you do something. But if you do it near other people you don't have much of a chance of getting off. The more straight forward/respectfull to a cop you are the more you get in return.


I have been pulled over numerous times for random things, and only gotten 1 ticket. And that one time was the time I did nothing wrong and talked back to the cop, and smarted off because I knew I was right. Othertimes, I was in situations where I could have actually got in trouble. But it wasn't serious enough to warrant anying but a little scare and a go home.


Cliff notes: Cops only treat you like a threat if you act like one. If they feel threatend there likely to make your life feel like ass. Talking back to or trying to intimidate a cop, or be-little them with your It couldn't have been me because! Gets no where near as far as respecting the cop, I wouldn't say come out and admit anything. But if your asked I wouldn't try to lie about it.

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If an L is the same thing as a joint, you are the same level as a drunk driver on my list right now.

If an L is something else, someone wana let me know what it is?


An L is a joint. There is quite a mindset difference between a high driver and a drunk driver.

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An L is a joint. There is quite a mindset difference between a high driver and a drunk driver.



Really? I thought they both impaired decision reaction time. I'm not sure that the innoncent sober driver/ ped you just took out cares about your mindset.

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Cannabis (i.e., marijuana) intoxication results in impairments while driving that are akin (i.e., just as bad as) impairments observed in alcohol intoxication. So, to whoever mentioned that they both impair reaction time, you're correct.


Prolonged cannabis use is also associated with a reverse tolerance - essentially, if you keep smoking, you'll need to smoke less in order to achieve intoxication. So, Jon, if Rane is a habitual cannabis user, as you imply, then, actually, he could be very intoxicated from just one joint, given the known effects of reverse tolerance and cannabis. Notably, though, individuals who use cannabis habitually are better able to tolerate the effects of intoxications. So, while they may, from a physiological perspective, be "high," they may not feel or act "high," given that they have become accustomed to the effects of cannabis intoxication.


Lastly, please save the "Rane, you're an idiot for driving high" comments. We all know, driving while intoxicated on anything isn't a good idea. Neither is street racing, but we've all done that too. So, before you get up on your ivory pedastal to start preaching, don't.

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Before my comment earlier gets taken the wrong way, I wanna reiterate what I said..


Like doc said, habitual smokers are able to take in the effects of cannabis without really affecting their reaction to what's going on around them. Now that's the case for Rane (and myself) but it's a bit different for people who don't smoke often enough to have that tolerance. Either way, I don't promote driving while high by ANY means. I'm just saying for veteran smokers, it's not the same level as being drunk. Cops won't think the same way and I don't expect them to because it is quite illegal.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go forget to pick up my brother from soccer practice because I was out getting high. He'll understand

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I expected to catch some for it anyways.


I'm sure if I was acting high at the time, or "Stoned" whatever then I would have probably got a ticket.


Personally I've never drank and drove so I wont know, but I have drank before and it seem alot worse to me.

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Not trying to preach from an ivroy pedastal at all. Yes I have stree raced, and I speed, and I know its illegal.


Back to topic, yes there are lots of good cops. Had one pull me over on my way home from a deployment (72 in a 55) and he wrote me a ticket. Very profesional and courteous, and even told me if I wanted to fight it, he would encourage me to , and posible get off on a technicality. After he handed me the ticket, and went back to his cruiser, I read it, and he wrote the wrong time and road on the ticket. Got it down to no points, just a lil fine and costs. probably coud have done more, didnt feel like driving back to delaware for another court apperance.

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True I used to streetrace, and occasionally I do illegal things on my motorcycle, but I feel that when I do them its at least safe for other people and Im only endangering myself. The reason I can say this with a sound mind is because IM NOT ON DRUGS!

Whatever "logical" reason or "intelligent" argument the potheads think they make has absolutely no bearing on what sober america will believe because its like listening to physics from a 100lb guy that just downed a case of natty. You know he's not making any sense to himself or to anyone else because he is intoxicated. But he continues to ramble on and on about how isaac newton has a kickass crib yo.

And just as a note to the tokers on here, I and many people dont care if you do it in the privacy of your own homes but we dont want to hear about it. So before you go talking about it to your friends, at the bar, or on the internet just remember it is illegal, and no not everyone gets down with mary jane. If a guy pulls up to an intersection and tells the cop he just drank 12 beers, hes going to jail. If a guy tells everyone at work he robbed 5 houses over the weeked, hes going to jail. If a guy tells everyone at a club he just raped some girl out back, hes going to jail. So if you drive around telling everyone that the illegal thing you are doing is no big deal, I hope you are going to jail. Sure, everyone is guilty of something, Im not saying Im perfect, but theres good and bad decisions to make in life, and driving while intoxicated on anything is not one I make.

For fuck's sake you're not even supposed to drive on nyquil which is a legal, over-the-counter drug, and some of you guys are seriously trying to defend your ability to drive high??

Like I said before, I dont care if people do it responsibly in their own homes and dont tell me about, you can screw up your own life I dont care. But as soon as you do it out in public or on public roads, you're in my house and I won't stand for it.

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Guest fixerupper

Uh, didn't you just admit you do illegal things, when you're teeling them not to run their mouths about it? Oh well no big deal.


I personally don't agree with smoking the shit, but I've grown up around a lot of people that do. I don't think you should be driving on it, but if you're gonna do it elsewhere that's fine. It's really no one else's business what you do on your own.


As for the whole cop ordeal. I had a neighbor who worked as a Columbus Police officer, and eventually became part of the SWAT team. I'll never forget one thing he told me. He said, "You know, I'm a pretty nice guy most of the time, but when I complete the uniform with the hat every morning... it's suddenly officer dickhead looking back at me in the mirror."


That said I've met other officers that are actual people under the costume. It all just depends on how you treat them, and how you look at them. If you see 'em as normal human beings then that's what you'll get, but if you can't look past the name plate then you're worse off for wear. You just have to remember that they're just doing their job so they can put food on their table at night, and that they're their to protect the people, from the rest of people.

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Uh, didn't you just admit you do illegal things, when you're teeling them not to run their mouths about it? Oh well no big deal.


He said everyone on here streetraces so it was the same thing, I was telling him that no, not everyone smokes weed. My point was just be careful who you say things to because not everyone agrees with what you do. Streetracing may not be a big deal on here, but don't go to court talking about it.

Also I said at the beginning, somebody with a sober mind can make better decisions then someone who is high, sure not always good decisions, but better ones.

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Not trying to preach from an ivroy pedastal at all. Yes I have stree raced, and I speed, and I know its illegal.


Back to topic, yes there are lots of good cops. Had one pull me over on my way home from a deployment (72 in a 55) and he wrote me a ticket. Very profesional and courteous, and even told me if I wanted to fight it, he would encourage me to , and posible get off on a technicality. After he handed me the ticket, and went back to his cruiser, I read it, and he wrote the wrong time and road on the ticket. Got it down to no points, just a lil fine and costs. probably coud have done more, didnt feel like driving back to delaware for another court apperance.

You'd be suprised how many cops out there are cool as shit to folks in the military. Everytime I've been home and pulled over it's usually just a warning after they look at the white card. Cops just don't like you Andrew :p Cops just have a job to do, it's just like someone hating you for your job. It's a respectable job and laws need to be enforced. Bout the pot shit, I say legalize, but til then it's as bad as a drunk driver IMO.

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Cannabis should be legalized.


Police officers and teachers should be two of the highest paid professions in our society. Then, not only would the best and brightest be drawn to those professions - which are two of the most important in my opinion - but then you could enforce greater demands in professionalism and more stringent criteria for selection.


READ: This does not mean that I think that everyone that is a cop or a teacher now should automatically have their salaries raised to six figures. Instead, it means that, by having such high salaries, you can eliminate those folks from those ranks that shouldn't be there but would otherwise be there as a result of the less stringent selection criteria.

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