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Trails yesterday...


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So, I park my car behind the bleachers. I take my tires off my car, cooler out of the car, etc. Everthing's ok. Stoney takes all of his interior out and sets it there too.


We go race (twice.. 2 races for 5 hours.. nice). I come back, and there's two cars where all of our shit is. One's a silverish Evo (nice car), and the other is a 1G Black DSM (also nice car). They were parked .. half assed.. you know the "I'm going to park crooked in this spot to be cool" type thing.


Well, there was just enough space to fit my fat assed car in between.. so I did. Then I was fairly pissed as we were getting all our stuff together and I had zero room to put my tires back on the car.. and put everything back in it. Wes parks a row behind and starts carrying his interior over and stuff to put back in his car.


I jack one side of my car up, and the guy moves the Evo (I was bitching out loud to my wife who was there). Then he goes and moves the DSM. As he's backing out, he decides to run over half my tire. My slick was at the back of the car maybe a foot or to to the right. Gets out of his car, and kicks the tire out of the way. No big deal. Then moves his car out of the way. The tire is in fine shape. The rims look like ass so i'm not worry about it.


Normally, when you SEE a BIG pile of STUFF/SHIT where people park (tires, cooler, jack, etc.) you would think NOT to park there. Someone has already taken that spot. Right? Damn.. I guess not. Common courtesy.. guess he had none.


/rant off.

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