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Decorations for Philanthropy

Devils Advocate

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I'm the Philanthropy chair for Sigep down here, and we're participating in a house decorating contest for charity. The winning house gets up to $500 to give to the charity of their choice. We plan to purchase christmas presents for kids ranging from age 4-12, and take them to a local orphanage. Our budget for the quarter is tight, so I'm asking you guys if you have any new or used christmas decorations that you would be willing to donate. Anything helps, but we especially need:


-Lights, all shapes, sizes, and colors.

-Plywood (We're building a gingerbread house, it's going to rock)


-Wrapping paper, bows, etc

-Ornaments, especially candy cans and such

-Any old plastic wreaths or such

-Those little candles to put in windows


Thanks in advance for your help, guys. If you'd like, I can post pictures of the house when it's completed to show you that your kindess went to a good cause.



Disclaimer: This is serious. The money won, if we win, will in no way be used to pay for anything other than charity donations. Things that this WONT be spent on include:





-Funny hats

-Movie tickets

-Christmas presents for girls

-Dancing Circus Bears (however sweet those may be)


:) and Happy Early Xmas.

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